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Will Lisa Irwin be found?

Will Lisa Irwin be found?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in General » Other
Settled on 11/01/2011 18:04 Settled by Super Usergotmick
Winning option:t before November 1st. Baby Lisa still missing.



Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley reported their daughter missing after Irwin returned from a late shift at work. The parents say she must have been abducted from her crib while her mother and two brothers slept.

Police and federal authorities have conducted extensive searches, including of several areas near the family's home. They also have questioned the baby's parents at length. Police have said there are no suspects in the case and they have no major leads. FBI agents searched areas around the family's home again Friday in what FBI spokeswoman Bridget Patton said was an effort to double-check areas that had already been searched at least once.

An anonymous donor has offered a $100,000 reward for the return of a missing Kansas City baby or information that leads to the conviction of anyone involved in her disappearance, according to a security consultant who says the donor also hired him to get involved in the case.

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   Super Userkruijs

NBC News reports Monday that missing Missouri baby Lisa Irwin’s mother has changed her story, has for the first time admitted she'd been drinking and was drunk the night Lisa vanished, and said again she fears she’ll be arrested.

Lisa's parents originally said their baby was abducted from her crib sometime between the time Deborah last checked on her at 10:30 p.m. Oct. 3, and the time the baby's father returned home after working an all-night shift at 4 a.m. Now Deborah states the last time she saw her baby girl was 6:40 p.m. Oct. 3 when she put her to bed. There are no reports that anyone saw the baby after 6:40 p.m.

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