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Will Obama's Fed Board nominees be confirmed by Senate?

Settled on 05/18/2012 19:25 Settled by

The Harvard economist Jeremy C. Stein and the investment banker and lawyer Jerome H. Powell were confirmed easily after a morning of debate. The vote for Mr. Stein was 70 to 24, and for Mr. Powell, 74 to 21.
thanks charlesf for the settlement request.
President Obama said Tuesday that he would nominate a Harvard economist and a former Treasury official to fill the two vacant seats on the Federal Reserve’s board of governors.
In a statement, Mr. Obama lauded their “impressive knowledge of economic and monetary policy.”
The nominations end months of waiting for the White House to resume its effort to fill the vacancies after it was forced to withdraw the nomination of an earlier candidate, the Nobel Prize laureate Peter Diamond, because Senate Republicans would not allow a vote.
The inclusion of Mr. Powell, a Republican, could help to smooth the way for Senate confirmation of both nominations this time around.
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