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Will the U.S. economy go into recession during 2012?

Will the U.S. economy go into recession during 2012?

Asked by: kroeger98 in Business » Economics
Settled on 06/10/2013 21:40 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:No 2012q1 4,2
2012q2 2,8
2012q3 5,9
2012q4 1,3



A recession is defined as two successive quarters of negative real GDP growth based on the data reported by the U.S. Department of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis, Table 1.1.1, "Percent Change From Preceding Period in Real Gross Domestic Product") as reported by the BEA. Final GDP figures will be used for expiry - not the advance or preliminary numbers.

The current consensus among forecasters is that the U.S. is not likely to go into recession in 2012. See link below:

Find similar: United States, economy, recession, 2012


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