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Can Apple stock hit $1,001 a share?

Can Apple stock hit $1,001 a share?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in General » Other
Settled on 04/08/2013 20:01 Settled by Super UserJosef Biesenberger
Winning option:after Q1 2013, or never2013, or never'.



One analyst is predicting that Apple stock will hit $1,001 in the next 12 months.

Some people might call that number crazy, but Brian White, an analyst with Topeka Capital Markets who authored a report released Monday called "Apple Fever has More to Run," said if anything the valuation might be too conservative.

"All we're doing is putting a 17 multiple on the earnings for 2013 and then adding back $103.66 cash," he said. "I think it's a conservative number. For most of its history Apple's growth rate was 86% a year."

On Monday, Apple stock closed at 618.63.,0,4555071.story

Find similar: apple, share


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   Super UserJosef Biesenberger

Usually stock-split will reduce share-price by split-factor:
Example: Split 5:1 would cut the event from $1.001 to $200,2

   Super UserBuckeyeTom

What if the stock splits? How will this venture be measured then?


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