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Will Austrian village of Fucking vote to change name ?

Photo: ALAMY

Will Austrian village of Fucking vote to change name ?

Asked by: Super UserKentoine Johnson in General » Other
Settled on 05/01/2012 15:44 Settled by Super UserKentoine Johnson
Winning option: can't find any news that they voted to change name



The 104 residents of the village will cast their votes later this week on whether to alter the name.

“People are now willing to discuss changes to the spelling of the name,” Franz Meindl, the village’s mayor, said in a television interview. “But first all Fuckingers have to agree on whether want to change it or not.” For centuries the tiny village in northern Austria lived life in happy obscurity, but life changed when US troops, stationed in the area at the end of the Second World War, discovered it, and since then the village’s name has been a constant source of amusement for tourists and irritation for locals.

At least 13 £250 road signs bearing the village’s name have been stolen, and the sight of semi-naked women posing for photographs beside signs has become a common sight. One local business woman, exasperated with people stealing her sign has taken to adding another “g” in the hope it will deter thieves.

A brisk market in postcards and Christmas cards making liberal use of the name have also managed to spread its fame.

In an attempt to curtail the fun had at the village’s expense some locals want to readopt its 16th-Century spelling and replace the “ck” with a single or double “g”.


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(1)   Super Userkruijs

(note to myself: implement "like" feature on comments)

(2)   Super Usergotmick

Yeah, or I went all the way to Fucking Austria and all I got was this FUGGING t-shirt. :)

   Super UserBuckeyeTom

Make replica and large street and town signs and sell them. Sell the photos in a controlled setting. Let people EFF in front of the signs outside of public view and sell them the photos. Do whatever you can to bring revenue to this Hamlet of 104 people.

   Super Userkruijs

Something like
I was there, Fucking

   Super Usergotmick

How funny. They need to capitalize on this name, not change it! What an opportunity for tourism and tax revenue. Don't make people steal the signs, sell 'em! Plus I want a shirt. :)


Both you boys are soooo bad!

   Super UserBuckeyeTom

Well, they voted and decided to change the name to Fugging, Austria. But don't settle this question so fast. It seems that less than 200 miles away is another Austrian town called Fugging. So Fugging might revert to Fucking one more time? Give it a few more days. Because two Fugging towns in the same general area would be a travelers nightmare.

   Super UserBuckeyeTom

If they change the name of the town, no Brit or American will have a desire to go there. Why fix a cash cow?

   Super UserBuckeyeTom

The biggest shocker of all is that there are only two comments thus far.


Leave it to you, where did you find this??

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