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Kentucky Derby: What will the Winners finishing time be?

Settled on 05/05/2012 23:22 Settled by
The Kentucky Derby is run on Saturday May 5th.
My personal sports Hero of all time is Secretariat. Secretariat won the Kentucky Derby and the Triple Crown in 1973. His winning time was 1:59:40. It is the fastest Kentucky Derby time ever run. Only one other horse, Monarchos in 2001, was able to crack the two minute barrier for this race. Monarchos' winning time was 1:59:97. Most of the other Kentucky Derby winners posted times between 2:01:00 and 2:03:00, though some have won with 2:05, 2:06 and even a snail-paced 2:07:00. Wikipedia gives a good posting of all the derby times to date. . Races run over 100+ years ago were done so at distances longer than the current 1-1/4 miles.
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