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American presidential election: How close will the result be?
Asked by: 
Stephen Tilley in
» United States
Settled on 11/10/2012 09:45 Settled by
Stephen Tilley

Settled on 11/10/2012 09:45 Settled by

Winning option:2% or more but less than 4% Settling on the latest popular vote figures:
Obama 61,681,462 Romney 58,488,199 giving:
Obama 51.33% Romney 48.67% Difference 2.66%
The figures will be revised but not by enough to cross a boundary in this question.
Obama 61,681,462 Romney 58,488,199 giving:
Obama 51.33% Romney 48.67% Difference 2.66%
The figures will be revised but not by enough to cross a boundary in this question.
How close will the result of the American presidential election be?
Note 1: No need to predict the winner - just the difference in percentage points between the winner and second place.
Note 2: This will be settled on official results and will disregard all votes for minor candidates, i.e. the number of votes will be those of the Democrats and Republicans combined.
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