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Who will be the next President of Mexico?

Settled on 07/18/2012 21:05 Settled by
New polls released in the past week revealed several changes in the electoral contest. First, the PRI’s Enrique Peña Nieto continues to solidify his lead. The Mitofsky polling firm puts his support at 40.2 percent; excluding undecided voters or those that professed no preference, his “effective vote” is nearly 50 percent.
In addition, the PAN’s Josefina Vázquez Mota is struggling to maintain her second-place standing. A new Mileno/GEA-ISA poll shows her trailing the PRD’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the first time in the campaign; he garners 19.3 percent support and she polls at 17.9 percent. While the reliability of GEA-ISA polls have been called into question- it produced the (only) poll that showed Vázquez Mota just seven points behind Peña Nieto in February and other contemporary polls show her still ahead of AMLO – this latest poll is consistent with the trend showing that support for the panista has steadily dropped.
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