Question Details
Cross-eyed opossum Heidi @ the Oscars?
Asked by: kruijs in
» Awards
Settled on 03/02/2011 09:26 Settled by hfl13
Settled on 03/02/2011 09:26 Settled by hfl13
Winning option: No live or taped appearance at the oscars.
HEIDI the cross-eyed opossum is set for a night of glamour next month when she appears on the Oscar celebrations in Hollywood.
The visually-challenged marsupial at Leipzig Zoo is being signed up for the acting profession‘s annual love-in on 27 February by host Hugh Jackman Anne Hathaway and James Franco.
Leipzig Zoo chief Dr. Jörg Junhold confirmed weekend talks with the NBC broadcasting network that have almost sealed the deal for Heidi.
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