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When will the revised Google Nexus Q be presented?


When will the revised Google Nexus Q be presented?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Technology » Consumer Electronics
Settled on 01/10/2013 21:11 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:After 2012 Nexus Q: In June, Google introduced the Nexus Q -- a sleek, bowling-ball-shaped, $300 media device that played videos only from YouTube and Google Play. Google decided to delay the Nexus Q in July and add more features. That was probably a good move, but we haven't heard anything about the Q since. Here's hoping we see it again in 2013, with more features and a smaller price tag.,0,3839092.story



Google has decided to put its Nexus Q streaming media device on hold.

The search giant told customers who pre-ordered the device that its shipment has been postponed so the company can "work on making it even better." Google said it "heard initial feedback from users that they want Nexus Q to do even more than it does today."

Early reviewers weren't kind. The New York Times' David Pogue called it "wildly overbuilt for its incredibly limited functions, and far too expensive," while Engadget saw it as "high-priced novelty" that "feels like alien technology."

The $299 orb currently allows users to stream only Google-linked media, including music, movies and YouTube videos. It does not run outside applications. Another caveat: only an Android device can control the Nexus Q.

Find similar: google, nexus q


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