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Obama's 2nd Term: Will gas exceed US$ 5 per gallon?

Obama's 2nd Term: Will gas exceed US$ 5 per gallon?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Business » Economics
Settled on 08/16/2020 17:15 Settled by Super UserJosef Biesenberger



The claim of gasoline prices doubling under Obama is technically correct, but irrelevant because the reason it happened was that he came into office near the bottom of a price overcorrection. Blaming Obama for the price rise would be like blaming him for cases of lung cancer that were detected during his term. Energy policies that presidents implement will manifest themselves years down the road because of the lag time in developing projects. We have many historical examples of this. I have noted numerous times that a president has very limited means to impact gasoline prices over the course of their term. If McCain had been elected, you would have seen the same pattern, except in that case the exact same attacks would have come from the left.

Refers to U.S. Regular Gasoline Prices* (dollars per gallon):


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