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Will The Theft Case Against Lindsay Lohan Go To Trial?

Will The Theft Case Against Lindsay Lohan Go To Trial?

Asked by: Theory in Entertainment » Celebrities
voided voided by Super Userkruijs: Void: the intend of this market is unclear.
how can this market, asking "will it go to trial", settle "no" when she is sentenced in this case?,0,3473402.story



Lindsay Lohan pleaded not guilty to felony grand theft of a $2,500 necklace — a case that could return the troubled starlet to jail rather than the big screen.

She entered the plea Wednesday through her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley. If convicted of the theft charge, Lohan could face up to three years in state prison.

Schwartz set bail at $40,000. He said it appeared Lohan had violated her probation in a 2007 drunken driving case and warned that if she violated the law while free on bail he would have her arrested and held.

Holley said Lohan was entering an early disposition program where she could work out a deal to keep the case from going to trial.

Find similar: lindsay lohan, lindsaylohan


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Ken the original intent of the question was will she stand trial as in plead guilty/not guilty and as you say a judge or jury or both preside over a "trial." Entering a plea in my mind would mean she did not stand trial for the crime of which she allegedly committed. Any other ideas/opinions on this would be appreciated.


I do not see any clarification. To me , "standing trial" means either a judge or jury makes the decision after pro and con arguments.. IS this what is meant? Or does it just mean, entering a plea.. If that is the case, can it be clarified as to what is meant?


Lindsay Lohan to stand trial on jewelry theft

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Lindsay Lohan was ordered to stand trial in June for theft but a judge on Friday reduced the charge to a simple misdemeanor, sharply reducing the chances of the actress getting a lengthy jail sentence if convicted.

Los Angeles Superior Court judge Stephanie Sautner declined to dismiss the case after a preliminary hearing, and set a June 3 trial date.

   Super Userkruijs

I wasn't sure how this market will settle, and thought probably the recent developments could already be enough. if not, please clarify in the settlement details and unsuspend.


Not sure this question should suspend just yet kruijs as it could end up being a plea bargin or even the charges could be dropped- not likely, yet possible. The question asks will the case go to trial- a plea agreement would clearly settle this market as "no." It seems more than one outcome is still quite possible. Any input would be appreciated!


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