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Who will win the 2011 Champions League?

Who will win the 2011 Champions League?

Asked by: p155272 in Sports » Soccer
Settled on 05/28/2011 20:41 Settled by Super Userkruijs



Find similar: soccer, champions league


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   Super Usermayank

Makes sense. Nice thing to have done :)

   Super Userkruijs

"some options hidden" indicates that the market has been created earlier, as more outcomes were possible: the other teams in the champions league.

in the current stage, these outcomes aren't useful, though positions on them are still valid (and may be sold).

buying positions on teams which are no longer in the run, doesn't make sense now, and therefor these are both disabled and hidden.

to indicate this, the "some options hidden" label appears which also shows the sum of the values for them, which explains why the remaining options do not sum up to 100%.

   Super Usermayank

What is 'Some options hidden'?


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