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Where will Gaddafi end up?

Where will Gaddafi end up?

Asked by: kenneth1 in Politics » Africa
Settled on 04/01/2011 04:53 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:rica, including Libya still at home...


Africa, including Libya
North America
South America
Australia , or Oceana
Europe, etc..
Unknown, or dead, other etc..


Libyan protesters claim to have taken control of Benghazi, the country's second city, only hours after the son of ruler Muammar Gaddafi warned he would fight them "to the last bullet". In his televised address, Seif al-Islam Gaddafi warned of civil war if protests continue, a theme continued on Libyan state TV on Monday with a pro-regime commentator speaking of chaos and "rivers of blood" turning Libya into "another Somalia" if security is not restored.

This question deals with where will Gaddafi end up (which continent, etc...).. By end up, we just mean, where will he go next (or be on the suspend date).

Find similar: libya, muammar gaddafi


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Hague hints at Gaddafi 'exile deal'
1 hour 48 mins ago

Britain may be willing to accept Muammar Gaddafi going into exile as a way to end the current crisis in Libya, Foreign Secretary William Hague has indicated.

Mr Hague said he would prefer to see Gaddafi held to account in front of the International Criminal Court (ICC), but added that the dictator's departure to a place of refuge abroad would bring about the kind of change that "most of the world and probably most of the Libyan people want to see".

He suggested it was up to Gaddafi to decide whether to flee to a safe haven outside Libya.


Maybe we can get a follow up for 6month/a year that seperates stays in power in Libya from the rest of Africa?

   Super Usergotmick

I clarified the description and removed "(from Libya)" from the last line of the description. The question creator was trying to clarify something else and it conflicted with the first option which includes Libya as a possible outcome. We will settle this shortly after the suspend date. This could still go any direction before the suspend date. If anybody has a problem with this, please let me know.


Hi hfl13 ,

This question i thought should be settled shortly after suspend date...
If we know where he is (e.g IN POWER, In Libya, by a recent broadcast of his), then I think it should settle that he is there.
If not in power, and we don't know where he is, because he has fled, or died, and no one (e.g his sons) wants to let us know he has died, then unknown , dead, etc... (those were my thoughts when making it up)...


Kennuth - no problem at all - these markets are difficult to create with fair and non ambiguus language.

But there are 2 questions "we" need your and other betters input:
In the context of the "No-Fly-Zone" and the start of anther Merry-go-round (or is that Muammar-go-round ;-) )
1. When should we settle?
2. Which option has Muammar staying in power? Africa (incl. Libya) or the last ones "other"?

Feedback please ...

Den Haag is Europe ;-)


On the other hand I wasn;t talking about muammar gaddafi, that was just what was spelled incorrectly in the text,
I meant his brother muammar khaddafi... I have seen so many different spellings, it is easy to make this mistake


I guess you know my intent, but hope i will not criticize any decisions re the way this is settled, as it was my poorly worded question that led to the funny comments that others have made!!! I agree , with all the funny comments.. My mistake, sorry..
Take it out of my hide, if you must..

Or as we say in Libya, Mea culpa


It looks like he dies of old age in Libya.

   Super Usergotmick

The question asks "where will he go next (from Libya).." not "where will he be on March 31" so it should ride until the event happens. It seems pretty inevitable he will be removed from power so it's a good market that should be able to settle when it happens. We can always extend the suspension date if needed.


I wrote it expecting it to "End" at the suspension.. Ie where he is then...... I am only the ? writer though, so hopefully admin can give more authoritative answer.


Will this settle at the end of 2011 or closely after suspension?


This item says Venezuela says he is not going there--- so who knows...


After making this question, i see some reports on Gaddafi on way to Venezuela, but it is not definite, however i am putting $ on this, ken


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