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Will InTrade reopen?
Asked by: 
kruijs in
» Litigation
Settled on 01/06/2014 21:45 Settled by

Settled on 01/06/2014 21:45 Settled by

Winning option:Not during 2013 Intrade 2.0 is currently under development…
January, 2014
Today’s society moves fast. Technological advances in social connectivity, of increased computer processing power, and of human productivity and awareness create a NEW NEED for reliable and objective ways to measure the likelihood of potential future outcomes of all of the things that happen around us, and that may even happen to us.
January, 2014
Today’s society moves fast. Technological advances in social connectivity, of increased computer processing power, and of human productivity and awareness create a NEW NEED for reliable and objective ways to measure the likelihood of potential future outcomes of all of the things that happen around us, and that may even happen to us.
Background is no more. At least for the foreseeable future. Although, given what’s happened during the last few months, it seems unlikely that the site will ever reclaim its former position as the world’s leading predictions market, where you could bet on everything from elections to commodity prices.
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