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Which coach will win "The Voice" Season 4?

Settled on 06/19/2013 15:13 Settled by,0,1176965.story
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Usher has high hopes for the hit show— in fact, he’s determined to find the next big star.
But when it comes to recruiting members for his team, the R&B singer has his own theory about luring the hopefuls into his corner instead of those of his fellow mentors Shakira, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine.
“It’s ultimately your passion. [The contestants] wanna know they’re getting a coach that’s gonna fight for them,” Usher told Kathie Lee and Hoda Kotb on the Today Show this morning. “I don’t play the Justin Bieber card often. I had to pull it out maybe once. When you’re looking for talent that could be like [Justin Bieber] or greater, for me I take it seriously.”
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