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Eurovision Song Contest: Which country will win?

Settled on 05/18/2013 22:31 Settled by
The United Kingdom will win Eurovision 2013. Why? Well here we go:
1) First of all, in the last 5 years, the winning country came either Top 5 or Bottom 6 in the previous contest (Russia, Norway, Azerbaijan and Sweden came Top 5, Germany came Bottom 6). So looking at this year’s scoreboard, that leaves:
- Sweden, Russia, Serbia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Norway, United Kingdom, Hungary, Denmark, France, Malta
2) Every time the contest was held in Sweden, a country that is geographically smaller than Sweden won. That leaves:
- Sweden, Russia, Serbia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Norway, United Kingdom, Hungary, Denmark, France, Malta
3) In the last decade no direct neighboring country of the host country won. That leaves:
- Serbia, Albania, Azerbaijan, Norway, United Kingdom, Hungary, Denmark, Malta
4) The shortest time between two wins of the same country (of a country that won this century) is currently 13 years (Sweden 1999 and Sweden 2012). That leaves:
- Serbia, Albania, Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, Hungary, Malta
5) Every time the contest was held in Sweden a country whose official language is a Germanic language won.
- Albania, United Kingdom, Hungary, Malta
6) In the last 9 years at least one color from the flag of the previous year’s winning country was also in the succeeding winning country’s flag. (Sweden = blue, yellow). That leaves:
- United Kingdom, Malta
7) also:
- The last time the contest was held in Scandinavia (Norway), a Big 5 country won (Germany)
- The last time the Olymic Games were held in Europe, the host country (Greece) won the Eurovision Song Contest the year after! London 2012, anyone?
8) It is thus 100% clear that the United Kingdom will win the Eurovision Song Contest 2013 in Sweden. ^^
P.S I wouldn’t bet based on this ^^
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