Question Details

Iran 2013 elections: Who will win?
Asked by: 
kruijs in
» Middle East
Settled on 06/16/2013 20:33 Settled by

Settled on 06/16/2013 20:33 Settled by

Winning option:Hassan Rowhani ranian president-elect Hassan Rohani, who won a landslide victory promising better relations abroad and more freedom at home, on Sunday paid his first visit since the vote to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who will ultimately decide the pace of any change.
Iran's Guardian Council has approved eight candidates - out of a list of more than 600 hopefuls - to stand in the presidential elections in June. Whoever wins the polls will replace incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is constitutionally barred form seeking re-election. Here are profiles of who the candidates are.
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