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Will Bradley Manning be found guilty of aiding the enemy?

Will Bradley Manning be found guilty of aiding the enemy?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in General » Crime
Settled on 07/30/2013 17:27 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:No Bradley Manning, the source of one of WikiLeak's largest disclosures of U.S. secrets, was found guilty of most of the charges against him today, but not the most serious charge of aiding the enemy.

Manning had already pleaded guilty to 10 of the less serious of the 22 charges in a deal that got him an expected 20 years in prison. Today a military judge announced the court's finding on the rest of the charges, a majority of them guilty verdicts. However, Manning managed to avoid the charge of aiding the enemy, which could have carried with it a life sentence. The sentencing face of Manning's trial begins Wednesday.



Army Pfc. Bradley Manning has already confessed to mishandling classified information for sending hundreds of thousands of U.S. intelligence documents to the WikiLeaks website, including reports of airstrikes that killed civilians, assessments of terrorism suspect captives, and diplomatic cables. On those charges alone, he could spend 20 years in prison.

But on Monday, the 25-year-old Army computer whiz who lost his faith in the government over the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will go on trial on charges of aiding the enemy and putting American lives at risk, and for that he is facing a possible life sentence. His general court-martial at Ft. Meade, Md., will place the enlistee in wire-rim glasses against the might of the U.S. government.,0,3655194.story

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   Super Userkruijs


true! but probably it's an attempt to be imprisoned in a women's prison - probably advisable after this coming out...

   Super Usergotmick

Well he's definitely gonna be somebody's bitch now. Not sure if they'll call him Chelsea though. Probably just "Bitch" or something like that. Ha, seriously, what an interesting development in the story. I didn't see that coming.

   Super Userkruijs


jailed for 35 years, as a transsexual
I don't have any problem with transsexualism, but I fear, this won't make his every-day life easier.

   Super Usergotmick

OMG Seriously??!

Bradley Manning, the Army private sentenced to 35 years in military prison for leaking classified documents, revealed Thursday he intends to live out the remainder of his life as a woman.

"I am Chelsea Manning. I am a female," the Army private wrote in a statement read by his attorney Thursday on NBC's Today show. "Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition."

   Super Userkruijs

Bradley Manning, the intelligence analyst posted by the US Army to Baghdad in 2009, chose to transmit hundreds of thousands of classified military reports and diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks because he wanted attention and notoriety, the prosecution at his trial said in closing arguments today.

With the judge in the case, Colonel Denise Lind, due to issue verdicts within days, both sides used the closing arguments phase to present starkly different portraits of the defendant. For its part, the prosecution sought to bolt down a central charge of ‘aiding the enemy’ telling the court at Fort Meade, Maryland, that Manning knew full well that the materials he gave to WikiLeaks would be seen by al-Qa’ida.

“The only human Pfc Manning ever cared about was himself,” asserted Major Ashden Fein, the lead prosecuting attorney, before displaying a smiling photo of Manning taken in 2010. He said it showed a “gleeful, grinning Pfc Manning” who had sent materials to WikiLeaks with the greeting “Have a good day”. After saying Manning had broken his country’s trust, he added: “The flag meant nothing to him.”

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