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How many days will Chad Johnson be in jail?
Asked by:
Bayoubear in
» Football
Settled on 06/18/2013 16:14 Settled by

Settled on 06/18/2013 16:14 Settled by

Winning option:6-15 days A contrite Chad Johnson apologized Monday for disrespecting a judge when the former NFL star slapped his attorney on the backside in court last week and was released from jail after only a week instead of 30 days.
Broward County Circuit Judge Kathleen McHugh accepted Johnson's apology and cut back his jail term for a probation violation to the seven days he had already served since the rear-swatting.
Broward County Circuit Judge Kathleen McHugh accepted Johnson's apology and cut back his jail term for a probation violation to the seven days he had already served since the rear-swatting.
As an NFL player, Chad Johnson patted a lot of men on the butt when he liked their work, but on Monday, defendant Chad Johnson found out that one Florida courtroom was not the place to play that game.
How many days will he actually serve?
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