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Who will win the BMW Championship this week?
Asked by: 
BuckeyeTom in
» Golf
Settled on 09/16/2013 21:53 Settled by

Settled on 09/16/2013 21:53 Settled by

Winning option:Other player not listed Zach Johnson won the rain-delayed BMW Championship on Monday and now has a chance to win something bigger.
Johnson’s first victory of the year came at the expense of Jim Furyk, who endured another dose of final-round disappointment.
Johnson’s first victory of the year came at the expense of Jim Furyk, who endured another dose of final-round disappointment.
The third leg of the FedEx Cup Championship is being played from Sept. 12 thru Sept. 15 at Lake Forest, Illinois. Who will win this event? For more details go to
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