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Will Dr. Conrad Murray practice medicine again in the USA?


Will Dr. Conrad Murray practice medicine again in the USA?

Asked by: Super UserKentoine Johnson in General » Other
Settled on 10/31/2014 13:44 Settled by Super UserKentoine Johnson
Winning option:No/no new by settlement date No new news



Dr. Conrad Murray will make his move after his release from jail in 2 weeks ... and sources tell TMZ, he's vowing to break back into the business of doctoring.

Sources directly connected with Murray tell us ... he plans to fight the revocation of his license in Texas. As for California ... revocation proceedings are on hold, but we're told he will fight that as well -- partly on grounds that he was singled out for unfair treatment because the patient -- Michael Jackson -- was incredibly famous.

Fact is ... Murray has practiced for 20 years and aside from the Propofol disaster, his record is unblemished. In fact, Murray has a legion of loyal patients who actually demonstrated on his behalf and were more than willing to fly from Texas to California to support him in court.

Murray is also taking solace in the fact that the jury in the MJ wrongful death trial concluded AEG was not off base in hiring him because he was a competent general practitioner.

Short story -- Murray has a built-in patient base if he can get his license back.

If he can't practice in the U.S., we're told he's not foreclosing the possibility of practicing out of the country.

Our sources say when Murray gets out of jail on October 28, he'll go off the radar for several weeks and then make his move.

When Murray resurfaces ... we're told he will fight fiercely to regain the right to practice medicine.

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   Super UserKentoine Johnson

onrad Murray now has a chance to improve his success record in treating patients ... because he's back in business.

TMZ has learned the patients this time around will be children with heart problems. Murray has taken a gig with the Trinidad Ministry of Health, where he'll be consulting with local heart surgeons.

Murray won't get rich off the new job -- he's volunteering his services, but it's definitely a foot in the door. His medical license has been revoked in Texas and suspended in California and Nevada.

The government wants Murray to use his U.S. contacts to help hook up the sick kids.

Truth be told ... Murray was a successful cardiologist in the U.S. ... beloved by many of his patients. Only one blemish on his record ... you know ...

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   Super Userkruijs

Dr. Conrad Murray left the Los Angeles County jail under sheriff's escort, avoiding reporters and Michael Jackson fans waiting for his release early Monday.

Murray, who served two years of a four-year sentence for causing Michael Jackson's death, was driven away in a sheriff's car for the "safety and security" of the jail, sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said.

The handful of Jackson fans gathered outside the jail accused the Los Angeles County sheriff of showing favoritism to Murray by slipping him out of the jail through a back exit, instead of the door where freed prisoners normally leave.


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