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Which is the next country to lose its AAA rating?
Settled on 08/30/2020 13:12 Settled by Josef Biesenberger
When determining a country's debt rating, agencies consider several factors, including the country's political climate. Most of the countries with AAA ratings have a stable political environment, something the U.S. can no longer exactly claim. Few of these countries have faced the bitter battle that was and may continue to be waged in the U.S. over federal spending and debt.
The countries with the highest credit ratings are wealthy economies, with high levels of GDP per capita. All 11 of these countries are in the top 25 for this figure. Luxembourg, by virtue of its growing financial services industry, generated GDP per capita income of nearly $78,000 2012, 50% greater than in the U.S.
Standard & Poor’s stripped the Netherlands of its triple-A credit rating Friday, saying that the country’s growth prospects have deteriorated and it is not performing as well as peers.
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