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Will Sony introduce a Windows smartphone by mid 2014?

Will Sony introduce a Windows smartphone by mid 2014?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Technology » Consumer Electronics
Settled on 08/31/2014 14:45 Settled by Super UserKentoine Johnson
Winning option:Not revealed by suspension



Microsoft’s Windows Phone operating system has struggled to make gains against Google and Apple. But it may soon get a shot in the arm from an old partner and rival: Sony.

Sony, whose mobile unit has exclusively made smartphones powered by Google’s Android software for nearly four years, has considered launching a Windows phone as soon as mid-2014, according to a person who was involved in the talks and a person briefed about the device.

The talks come as Microsoft is making new moves to attract other partners such as China-based ZTE. It has boosted incentives for potential Windows Phone handset makers, including slashing the software licensing fees it would charge them.

Find similar: sony, windows phone, smartphone


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