Question Details

Firefox 4: How many downloads in the first three days?

Firefox 4: How many downloads in the first three days?

Asked by: Super Usermayank in Technology » Internet
Settled on 03/24/2011 21:33 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:re than 20 mn just passed 20M a few minutes ago ...



[Number of downloads till 9 AM GMT, March 25]

Mozilla Firefox 4 was officially released on Tuesday, and within just a few short hours the browser had been downloaded more than a million times. To celebrate the browser's launch, Mozilla has opened the digital doors on a new download statistic Website, offering visitors a neat visual way to see Firefox 4 downloads in real-time.

Find similar: mozilla, firefox, download


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Sorry 26 typo.



Now 36m - impressive.

   Super Userkruijs

I will download my copy now, after the settlement of the question.
nobody can tell me cheating on this one ;-)

   Super Usercharlesf

If one of the positions wins by 1 person, it was me. I downloaded the new version last night.


ps Great question , keep up the good work, ken


hi mayank,

I had a LOT of trouble with this; not your fault , mine.. I was confusing suspension time, with closeout time.. Kept buying and selling various options... was so confused.. i think i wasted half my $K buying and selling options.. -- look at all the spikes in the curves of various options.. that's me!

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