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When will the Bronx Zoo find their Cobra?

When will the Bronx Zoo find their Cobra?

Asked by: Super Usergotmick in General » Other
Settled on 03/31/2011 20:43 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:tween March 28 and April 2nd Missing Bronx Zoo cobra found, officials confirm



NEW YORK — Officials have closed the Reptile House at New York's Bronx Zoo after a poisonous Egyptian cobra disappeared from an enclosure that's separate from the animal exhibits.

Zoo officials say the building was immediately closed and secured after staff learned that the adolescent snake was missing Friday afternoon.

The zoo released a statement Saturday saying it's confident the 20-inch-long snake is in an area of the building that's not accessible to the public. Snakes usually seek closed-in spaces and aren't comfortable in open areas.

Officials say they are informing the public out of an "abundance of caution and will continue to take whatever steps necessary to ensure public safety."

Find similar: bronx zoo, cobra


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I lost out on this, it's been found today 3/31/11

   Super Usergotmick

No sign of the snake yet. Except on Twitter:

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