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NFL--How many home teams will win their season openers?
Asked by:
Bayoubear in
» Football
Settled on 04/24/2022 19:38 Settled by
Josef Biesenberger

Settled on 04/24/2022 19:38 Settled by

Winning option:10-11 Home Wins Looks like there were 10 teams winning their home openers this year . . . Patriots, Bill, Jets, Rams, Cardinals, Chargers, Broncos, Cowboys, Falcons, and the 49ers . . .
Finally the first week of the 2015-16 NFL season is here. Game one has been played with the home team Patriots getting by Pittsburgh, perhaps with the aid of some faulty equipment given to the Steelers. But there are 15 games left. How many more time will the home team win their opener?
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