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Will Hernandez brain show signs of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy/neurodegenerative diseases?

Will Hernandez brain show signs of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy/neurodegenerative diseases?

Asked by: Super UserKentoine Johnson in Sports » Football
Settled on 09/21/2017 16:00 Settled by Super UserKentoine Johnson
Winning option:Yes brain show signs of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy/neurodegenerative diseases



Attorney Jose Baez said the family had arranged for researchers at Boston University's Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Center to take custody of the brain. The center studies a progressive degenerative brain disease found in some athletes who have experienced repetitive brain trauma. Hernandez's body is at a Boston-area funeral home, but services will likely be held elsewhere for the Connecticut native.

Baez says he's retained Dr. Michael Baden, a former chief medical examiner for New York City, to perform an independent autopsy.

Find similar: Aaron Hernandez


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