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Will Bing overtake Google?

Will Bing overtake Google?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Technology » Internet
Settled on 06/30/2012 23:32 Settled by Super Usergotmick
Winning option:After Q2 2012, or later Umm, so much for gaining momentum...
Google 66.03%
Bing 10.093%



According to the latest data from Experian Hitwise, Google was responsible for 64.42% of searches in the U.S. in March, 2011. Bing-powered search — which includes both and — accounted for 30% of U.S. searches. Last October, Google controlled 72.15% of the U.S. search market for September, 2010. Bing powered search accounted for 23.64%.

The fact that Bing has crossed the 30% mark in the U.S. is significant in and of itself. Looking back through Experian Hitwise’s archives underscores the tremendous amount of growth for Bing-powered search. The rate of growth appears to be increasing. Google still clearly leads Bing more than 2 to 1. But when you consider that that ratio was 3 to 1 last fall, the gap appears to be closing. Bing is growing by five or six percent each month, whereas Google is losing two to three percent.

If you do assume a constant trajectory, Bing will overtake Google in less than a year — January 2012, to be precise.

What isn’t hypothetical is that Bing has real momentum.

Find similar: google, bing


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Great point gotmick,
I never thought about it. You are so RIGHT..
You are one heck of a smart guy!

   Super Usergotmick

I wonder if this is because it takes multiple searches on Bing to find what one search does on Google.


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