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When will be Virgin's first commercial flight into space?

When will be Virgin's first commercial flight into space?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Science » Space
Settled on 01/01/2013 21:25 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:After 20122'.



Early on Wednesday 4th May 2011, in the skies above Mojave Air and Spaceport CA, SpaceShipTwo, the world’s first commercial spaceship, demonstrated its unique reentry ‘feather’ configuration for the first time. This test flight, the third in less than two weeks, marks another major milestone on the path to powered test flights and commercial operations.

SpaceShipTwo (SS2), named VSS Enterprise, has now flown solo seven times since its public roll-out in December 2009 and since the completion of its ground and captive -carry test program.

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