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Who or what killed Chilean poet Pablo Neruda?

Who or what killed Chilean poet Pablo Neruda?

Asked by: bernardo in General » Crime
Settled on 11/09/2013 23:30 Settled by Super Userkruijs
Winning option:Cancer The four-decade mystery of whether Chilean Nobel Prize-winning poet Pablo Neruda was poisoned was seemingly cleared up on Friday, when forensic test results showed no chemical agents in his bones. But his family and driver were not satisfied and said they’ll request more tests.

Bustos said experts found traces of medicine used to treat cancer in Neruda’s remains but that there’s no forensic evidence to prove that Neruda died from anything else other than a natural cause.



"A judge in Chile has ordered an investigation into the death, in 1973, of the Nobel prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, following allegations he may have been poisoned.
The poet's family has always maintained that he died in a Santiago clinic of advanced prostate cancer, aged 69.
The foundation that guards his legacy has said in a statement there is "no proof whatsoever that suggests Pablo Neruda died of causes other than cancer". But, pressed by Chile's Communist Party, a judge has now ordered a murder investigation.
This follows allegations from his former driver, Manuel Araya Osorio, that agents injected Neruda with poison at the clinic on the orders of General Pinochet, twelve days after the coup. [...]
The remains of President Allende were exhumed last month on the orders of the same judge, in an effort to clarify whether he committed suicide - as is widely believed - or was killed by soldiers who stormed the presidential palace during the coup."

"Judge Mario Carroza was asked whether authorities would exhume the poet's remains from near his home in Isla Negra.
"We have got to clear up the medical history he had prior to his illness, prior to this cancer," Carroza told reporters. "Once we have his full history in hand, we should be able to make a proper determination just using the forensics experts." "

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   Super Userkruijs

At the moment of his death, Chilean poet Pablo Neruda had a prostate cancer in advanced state, with extended metastasis, according to the first analysis of his remains, carried on by the Chilean Legal Medical Service (SML). The results were delivered yesterday to Mario Carroza, the prosecution judge who is investigating the cause of the Nobel Laureate’s death in 1973.

Whether the death was caused by that cancer, or rather by poisoning, as a key witness has claimed, may be cleared by a toxicological analysis that is being carried on in North Carolina.

Neruda’s body was unearthed from his tomb in Isla Negra, Chile, in early April, as part of an investigation opened after Neruda’s former driver Manuel Araya said that the real cause of the poet’s death was an unscheduled injection that he received a few hours before dying.

   Super Userkruijs

The body of Chilean Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda, dead nearly four decades, will be exhumed after his former driver declared the poet was poisoned under Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship, a judge said on Monday.

   Super Userkruijs

Chilean courts have decided to reexamine the death of the poet, who some suspect was killed by the Pinochet regime.

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