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NBA Lockout: Will the complete 2011-2012 season be cancelled?

NBA Lockout: Will the complete 2011-2012 season be cancelled?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Sports » Basketball
Settled on 11/26/2011 14:18 Settled by Super Useruspais
Winning option: NBA teams and players reach a tentative deal and Games o start X'Mas day



The NFL was never going to miss anything meaningful. The NBA might miss the entire 2011-12 season.

Yet, the lockout is in place as of 12:01 a.m. Friday, even though the NBA -- thanks to a compelling past 12 months and 2011 season -- stands on the verge of a boom cycle, even though every single indicator of interest is up.

There's not a ton of optimism floating around. ESPN's Tom Penn, who has the experience of working for a couple of small market teams (Portland and Memphis) and practically dealing with all 30 teams in the league, told that he'd put the odds of the season being canceled at as high as 75 percent. Charles Barkley said recently it wouldn't surprise him if the season was canceled.

Stern and Hunter can hope for a full season, but at least they aren't misleading anybody by predicting a quick end to the dispute. Stern said, "These kinds of things take on a life of their own, and I just don't know where their life is going to lead."

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   Super UserKentoine Johnson

Money won it always do

   Super Usergotmick

The NBA Players Association decided to reject the league owners' latest offer and begin the decertification process on Monday in a move that could derail the entire NBA season, according to commissioner David Stern.

   Super Userkruijs

NBA Cancels All Games Through Nov. 30, The NBA will play a shortened season — if it plays at all — after labor negotiations broke down for the second time in a week.

NBA Commissioner David Stern canceled all November games on Friday, the 120th day of the lockout.,8599,2098154,00.html

   Super Userkruijs

NBA commissioner David Stern said Thursday that if significant progress toward a new collective bargaining agreement isn't reached by early next week -- following the first scheduled session with mediator George Cohen -- that the remainder of the 2011-12 NBA season may be in jeopardy.

   Super Usercharlesf

Billionaires on one side fighting with millionaires on the other side for every penny that they can get. They ought to broadcast the negotions live on TV. It would probably be TVs' top rated comedy.

   Super Userkruijs

A federal mediator will try to accomplish next week what months of intense negotiations did not: labor peace in the N.B.A.


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