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How far will Mars Exploration Rover "Opportunity" go?

How far will Mars Exploration Rover "Opportunity" go?

Asked by: Super Userkruijs in Science » Space
Settled on 08/02/2014 07:50 Settled by Super UserJosef Biesenberger


less than 21 miles
21 to less than 22 miles
22 to less than 23 miles
23 to less than 24 miles
24 to less than 25 miles
25 miles or more


Opportunity had driven more than 20 miles on 17 July 2011 (sol 2,658), since departing its landing site, bringing the rover within eight-tenths of a mile (1.3 kilometers) of Endeavour crater.

Now, a three-year journey has taken it to the edge of the huge Endeavour Crater. The crater is 14 miles in diameter and scientists hope it will provide a glimpse at Martian rocks never seen before. We put together a collection of some of the first shots sent back from the crater's edge, as well as the epic road trip that led Opportunity there.

Find similar: Mars, Rover, Opportunity


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   Super Userkruijs

Aug. 21, 2013: 23.74 miles (38.21 kilometers).

   Super Userkruijs

Opportunity — which touched down on Mars in January 2004 just after its twin, Spirit, arrived on the planet — is studying rocks at the foot of a location called Solander Point, whose north-facing slope will allow the robot to tilt its solar panels toward the sun during the coming southern Martian winter.

"We made it," Opportunity project scientist Matt Golombek, of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., said in a statement. "The drives went well, and Opportunity is right next to Solander Point. We know we could be on that north-facing slope with a one-day drive, but we don't need to go there yet. We have time to investigate the contact between the two geological units around the base of Solander Point."

   Super Userkruijs

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