User Profile

Josef Biesenberger
Member since 03/30/2011
All time highest net worth: 5,450,954.35 KtN$ (reached: 03/17/2017)
Current net worth : 1,385,634.94 KtN$
Predictions : 21,297

How many pages for search "Prediction Market" will be indexed by Google as of Nov 30, 2011?
settled: 3.400.000 to less than 3.450.000→
How many pages for search "Wisdom Crowds" will be indexed by Google as of Dec 31, 2011?
settled: less than 14.200.000→
When will either Fitch or Moody's downgrade US credit-rating from AAA to AA+(Fitch) / Aa(Moody's) ?
settled: later or never→
When will Italian credit-rating be drowngraded to B-level by at least one of 4 top rating-agencies?
settled: before end Feb 2012→
What price do you forecast for the WTI Crude Oil future April-contract CLJ12.NYM on March 16 2012 ?
settled: 105 to less than 115 US-$→
In which year will the monthly mean average CO2-value surpass 400 ppm - at least in one month?
settled: during 2014→
What will be "Knew The News" Alexa number of "Sites linking in" on February 29st 2012?
settled: 20 to 25 sites linking in→
In which order will these 3 stocks perform between Oct-1-2011 and March-30-2012 ?
settled: CLR > FTNT > VRTS→
What price do you forecast for the Gold future April-contract GCJ12.NYM on March 16 2012 ?
settled: 1.600 to less than 1.700 US-$→
What price do you forecast for the Oats future May-contract OK12.CBT on May 18 2012 ?
settled: 330 to less than 360 US-$→
Will Silver outperform Gold between Oct_3_2011 and Mar_30_2012 ?
settled: Silver will outperform Gold→
Will Platinum outperform Gold between Oct_3_2011 and Mar_30_2012 ?
settled: Platinum will outperform Gold→
Which stock index will have best performance between Oct-1-2011 and March-30-2012 ?
settled: Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEX)→
UEFA Country Ranking 2012 (based on a 5-year period): Will Germany overtake Spain?
NO: Germany will stay on 3rd rank behind Spain→
2012 Index of economic freedom: Will Germany get into Top 20 ?
NO: Germany will not get into Top 20→
2012 Index of economic freedom: Will United states lose their Top 10 ranking ?
NO: United States will stay within Top 10→
CPI2012 Corruption Perception Index 2012: Will Germany improve 2011-rank from 14 to 13 or higher ?
YES: Germany will improve it's rank from 14 (2011) to 13 or even higher→
Klimaschutzindex / Climate protection Index 2013: Will Germany improve 2012-rank to 5 or higher?
NO: Germany will stay with rank 6 or lower→
Klimaschutzindex / Climate protection Index 2013: Will United States improve 2012-rank to 52+ ?
YES: United States will improve their rank from 52 (2012) to 51 or even higher→
CPI2012 Corruption Perception Index 2012: Will United States improve 2011rank of 24 to 23 or higher?
YES: United States will improve their rank from 24 (2011) to 23 or even higher→
Will Greek Stock Index Athex get the turn around and outperform one of the other 3 "poor dogs" ?
YES: Greek Athex will at least perform better than one of the other 3 stock-indices→
Will Solarworld follow the turn around and outperform all of the other 4 solar stocks ?
No: Solarworld will not be on rank 1→
Solar Panel Dumping Claim: Will US Department of commerce set an initial tariff in Feb_2012 ?
Will Obama Job Approval Average as reported by GALLUP recover in Qtr12 to 43% or higher?
Yes: Will get back to 43% or higher→
Will Gallup-Healthways U.S. Well-Being Index Dec-2011 be above the low Dec_2008 value ?
Will American's Average Daily Spending in Dec-2011 be 75$ or higher ?
Yes: Will be 75$ or higher→
Will American's Perception "Economic conditions are 'Getting worse' " in Dec-2011 be 70% or higher ?
No: Will be below 70%→
Will RIMM Research in Motion be taken over / merged by any other company before Dec-28-2012 ?
NO - RIMM will stay independent until Dec-29-2012→
2013 Doing Business Ranking (The Worldbank): Will Germany improve ?
NO: Germany will not get a better rank than 19 for 2013→
What will be the Global Temperature Anomaly (Average Jan-Dec) for 2012 ?
settled: + 0.5° to less than + 0.6° Celsius→
Which of these 3 stocks will have best performance between Nov-1-2011 and April-30-2012 ?
settled: TSL Trina Solar→
Will SWV Solarworld be taken over / merged by any other company before Dec-28-2012 ?
NO - Solarworld will stay independent until Dec-29-2012→
What will be the Solar Module Retail-Price (US$/Wp ≥ 125 W module segment) in December 2012 ?
settled: less than 1.8 US-$/Wp→
When will France lose its Triple A credit-rating (drowngrade by at least 1 of 4 top agencies)?
settled: before end March 2012→
Will SPICE (Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering) project start testing in 2012?
settled: later or never→
Who will win the World Chess Championship 2012 (May 10-31 2012 in Moscow) ?
settled: Viswanathan Anand, India→
Which of these twitter-accounts will have the highest number of lists following them on twitter?
Will any company or a consortium buy a minority-stake of more than 10% of Yahoo in 2012 ?
settled: after that or never→
Which team will have most 1st place rankings in Robocup World Championship 2012 humanoid league?
settled: NimbRo, Germany→
What height will the planned worlds tallest "Kingdom Tower" in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia have?
settled: 1.001 to less than 1.050 meters→
How many of the 12 Internet Predictions (Business Insider) for 2012 will be correct?
settled: 5 predictions→
Will Gallup-Healthways U.S. Well-Being Index Jan-2012 be above the high Jan-2011 value of 66.7?
Will American's Perception "Economic conditions are 'Getting worse' " in Jan-2012 be 70% or higher ?
No: Will be below 70%→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance: Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) Dec 2012 ?
settled: -49.000 up to -44.000 Millions of $→
Which of these 4 stocks will have best performance between Dec-15-2011 and May-31-2012 ?
settled: REE Rare Element Resources→
Will German Newspaper 'Bild' Publish President's Voicemail after claiming he tried to Block a story?
No/not by suspension date→
How many children will participate in Jersey sign2sing campaign 2012 for hearing impaired people?
settled: 105.000 or more→
How many swimmers will participate in Rotary's World Record Attempt on 25th February 2012 ?
settled: 2.533 to less than 15.330→
Will Apple beat Analyst's Average Earnings Estimate of US-$ 10.07 per share for Q4_2011?
Will Avery Dennison Corp beat Analyst's Avg. Earnings Estimate of US-$ 0.46 per share for Q4_2011?
What will be the U.S. Imports from China, Mainland, Customs Basis (IMPCH) Dec 2011 ?
settled: < 37.000 Mio $→
Will Dow Jones Industrial Average Index beat alltime high of 14.093 points (Oct-12-2007) in 2012?
AAPL - DELL - HPQ: Which stock will have best performance between Dec-15-2011 and May-31-2012 ?
settled: AAPL Apple Inc.→
What will be the Chinese Total Reserves excluding Gold (TRESEGCNM194N) July 2011 ?
settled: 2.030 up to 2.050 Bil $→
What will be the US Interest Expense on outstanding debt for 4 month fiscal Year 2012 (Oct11-Jan12)?
settled: < 170.000 Million $→
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 30.6.2012 ?
settled: less than 7.950→
Will Amazon beat EBay in Google Trends Search Volume Index at least in one month during 2012 ?
What will be the Number of Mentions "Knew The News" in social media on April 30 2012?
settled: 85 up to 99→
Social Analytics: Will Obama beat Romney and Gingrich in Mentions on all 3 days: Feb 6-7-8 2012?
What will be the US Interest Expense on outstanding debt for 5 month fiscal Year 2012 (Oct11-Feb12)?
settled: < 191.000 Million $→
What will be the U.S. Job Openings: Total Nonfarm (JTSJOL) January 2012 ?
settled: 3.300.000 up to 3.500.000→
Will Romney beat Obama and Gingrich in Mentions at least on 2 of the 3 days: Feb 8-9-10 2012?
What will be the U.S. Imports from China, Mainland, Customs Basis (IMPCH) Jan 2012 ?
settled: above 34.000 Mio US $→
What will be the Chinese Total Reserves excluding Gold (TRESEGCNM194N) October 2011 ?
settled: 2.070 up to 2.100 Bil $→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance: Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) Jan 2012 ?
settled: even worse than -50.000 Millions of $→
What will be the Chinese Yuan / US-$ Foreign Exchange Rate (DEXCHUS) on April 30 2012 ?
settled: > 6.25 Yuan per one $→
How many additional (vs. 2012) Nuclear Power plants will be operating in U.S. in December 2019 ?
settled: 1 to less than 3→
Which Rank will the year 2012 get in Global Surface Air Temparature Anomaly (base 1951-1980) ?
settled: Rank 7 or lower→
What will be the U.S. Imports from China, Mainland, Customs Basis (IMPCH) Jan 2012 ?
settled: above 32.000 Mio US $→
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) Feb 2012 ?
settled: Index 395 or higher→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance: Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) Jan 2012 ?
settled: Deficit greater than -52.000 Millions of $→
What will be the US Interest Expense on outstanding debt for 6 month fiscal Year 2012 (Oct11-Mar12)?
settled: < 215.000 Million $→
What will be the U.S. Job Openings: Total Nonfarm (JTSJOL) February 2012 ?
settled: 3.300.000 up to 3.500.000→
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of February 2012 ?
settled: 520 Billion EUR receivables or more→
What will be the Chinese Total Reserves excluding Gold (TRESEGCNM194N) January 2012 ?
settled: < 2.090 Bil $→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance: Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) Feb 2012 ?
settled: better (less) than -50.000 Millions of $→
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) March 2012 ?
settled: Index 400 or higher→
Will Gallup-Healthways U.S. Well-Being Index Feb-2012 be above the high Feb-2008 value of 67.1?
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) March 2012 ?
settled: Index 400 up to 415→
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of March 2012 ?
settled: 570 Billion EUR receivables or more→
What price do you forecast for the WTI Crude Oil future July-contract CLN12.NYM on June 12 2012 ?
settled: less than 95 US-$→
What price do you forecast for the Gold future May-contract GCK12.CMX on April 10 2012 ?
settled: 1.600 to less than 1.700 US-$→
Which stock will have best performance between Jan-10-2012 and June-10-2012 ?
settled: CMG Chipotle Mex Grill→
Which stock index will have best performance between Jan-2-2012 and Jun-29-2012 ?
settled: Shenzhen Composite Index (INDEX)→
Will Silver outperform Gold between Jan_2_2012 and Jun_29_2012 ?
settled: Gold will outperform Silver→
Will Platinum outperform Gold between Jan_2_2012 and Jun_29_2012 ?
settled: Platinum will outperform Gold→
What will be the US Interest Expense on outstanding debt for 7 month fiscal Year 2012 (Oct11-Apr12)?
settled: 240.000 up to 245.000 Million $→
What's the March 2012 Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Extent Anomaly (loss in % against 1979-2000 avg) ?
settled: loss - 6.5% or less→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance: Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) Mar 2012 ?
settled: -50.000 down to -55.000 Millions of $→
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) April 2012 ?
settled: Index 400 up to 430→
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of April 2012 ?
settled: 640 Billion EUR receivables or more→
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) April 2012 ?
settled: Index 405 up to 420→
Which of these 4 stocks will have best performance between Jan-1 and June-30-2012 ?
settled: ASPS Altisource Portfolio→
Will Gallup-Healthways U.S. Well-Being Index April-2012 be above the high Apr-2010 value of 67?
When will driverless cars get approval by authorities for public UK roads - at least for testing?
settled: later or never→
What will be the Chinese Yuan / US-$ Foreign Exchange Rate (DEXCHUS) on May 31 2012 ?
settled: > 6.25 Yuan per one $→
Will U.S. Inflation climb above 3% (CPI YoY) in Jul, Aug, Sep 2012 as forecasted by ?
settled: In no month of Jul-Aug-Sep above 3%→
Will 5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Yield climb above 1.3% in Jul,Aug,Sep 2012 as seen by ?
settled: In no month of Jul-Aug-Sep above 1.3%→
What will be the US Interest Expense on outstanding debt for 7 month fiscal Year 2012 (Oct11-May12)?
settled: 271.000 up to 275.000 Million $→
Google Insights: Will Facebook ever have more Searchterm Interest than in Dec_2011 & March 2012 ?
settled: in September-October 2012→
Which of these 3 "Fallen Angels"-stocks will have best performance betw. Sep-1-11 and Aug-31-2012 ?
NOK Nokia→
Will S&P 500 Index dive below 1.270 at least on one day in Jul, Aug, Sep 2012 (see ?
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance: Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) Apr 2012 ?
settled: -50.000 down to -55.000 Millions of $→
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of May 2012 ?
settled: 680 Billion EUR receivables or more→
Who will be the winner of MITX Innovation Award 2012 - Subcateg. Analytics / Business Intelligence?
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2012 have?
settled: 21 or more→
Will Gallup-Healthways U.S. Well-Being Index May-2012 be above the high May-2010 value of 67.4?
How many Zipsters (members) will car-sharing company zipcar have end of 2012 ?
settled: 750.000 up to 850.000 members→
What will be the Chinese Yuan / US-$ Foreign Exchange Rate (DEXCHUS) on June 29 2012 ?
settled: 6.35 up to 6.38 Yuan per one $→
What will be the US Interest Expense on outstanding debt for 9 month fiscal Year 2012 (Oct11-Jun12)?
settled: < 381.000 Million $→
What will be the US Public Debt Outstanding end June 2012?
settled: 15.850.000 up to 15.880.000 Million $→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance: Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) May 2012 ?
settled: better (less) than -50.000 Millions of $→
When will one of the 11 finalists win the Virgin Earth Challenge competition ?
settled: later or never→
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of June 2012 ?
settled: < 740 Billion EUR receivables→
When will the first prototype of a new Lithium Air Battery power a car on public roads ?
settled: later or never→
Will Apple share cost more than 636.23 US-$ (adjusted closing-price alltime high) in 2012 ?
Ready for rebound ? Which stock will have best performance between March-8-2012 and Sept-7-2012 ?
settled: SLW Silver Wheaton→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (London Fixing) on July-31-2012 ?
settled: 27 to less than 30 US-$→
What's the Gold Price US-$/ounce (New York Fixing) on July-31-2012 ?
settled: 1.600 to less than 1.700 US-$→
What will be the Chinese Yuan / US-$ Foreign Exchange Rate (DEXCHUS) on July 31 2012 ?
settled: 6.34 up to 6.37 Yuan per one $→
What will be the Leading Index for the United States (USSLIND) June 2012 ?
settled: 1.0% up to 1.5 %→
Will Silver outperform Gold between May_14_2012 and Sep_14_2012 ?
settled: Silver will outperform Gold→
Will Platinum outperform Gold between May_14_2012 and Sep_14_2012 ?
settled: Platinum will outperform Gold→
Who will have more unique visitors by the end of September 2012: or ?
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2012 ?
settled: 8.500 or even more→
What will be the US Interest Expense on outstanding debt for 10 month fiscal Year 2012 Oct11-Jul12 ?
settled: < 400.000 Million $→
Will Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 7.5 % at any daily closing during 2012 ?
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of July 2012 ?
settled: < 760 Billion EUR receivables→
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) July 2012 ?
settled: Index 300 up to 350→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) June 2012 ?
settled: better (less) than -49.000 Millions of $→
What will be the Ocean Temperature Anomaly (Average 1901-2000) for July 2012 ?
settled: + 0.50° Celsius or even more→
Will Yield for Italian Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 7.0 % at any daily closing during 2012 ?
Will the Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 8.5 % at any daily closing during 2012 ?
Will any of these agencies downgrade US credit-rating in 2012 to AA+:Fitch/ Aa:Moody's/ BBB:Dagong ?
What's the Gold Price US-$/ounce (New York Fixing) on Aug-31-2012 ?
settled: 1.600 to less than 1.750 US-$→
What will be the Chinese Yuan / US-$ Foreign Exchange Rate (DEXCHUS) on Aug 31 2012 ?
settled: 6.34 up to 6.37 Yuan per one $→
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 32.5 % at any daily closing during 2012 ?
2013 Index of economic freedom: Will Germany get into Top 25 ?
YES: Germany will improve from rank 26 (2012) to rank 25 or even higher→
2013 Index of economic freedom: Will United States lose their Top 10 ranking ?
YES: United States will drop from rank 10 in 2012 to a rank lower than 10→
What will be the Leading Index for the United States (USSLIND) July 2012 ?
settled: 0.98% up to 1.15 %→
Which of these 4 "High-Flyer"-stocks will have best performance between June-10-12 and Oct-10-2012 ?
settled: ASPS Altisource Portfolio→
Will knewthenews beat nitle and inklingmarkets in Unique Visitors in all the months Jul-Dec 2012?
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of August 2012 ?
settled: < 790 Billion EUR receivables→
What will be the US Public Debt Outstanding end August 2012?
settled: 16.000.000 up to 16.020.000 Million $→
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) August 2012 ?
settled: Index 340 or higher→
Will the sum of passion+reach+strength for 3dprint in socialmention pass 80% at any day in 2012 ?
Yes: Will be above 80%→
What will be the Ocean Temperature Anomaly (Average 1901-2000) for August 2012 ?
settled: + 0.50° Celsius or even more→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) July 2012 ?
settled: -41.000 down to -46.000 Millions of $→
What will be the U.S. Job Openings: Total Nonfarm (JTSJOL) July 2012 ?
settled: 3.600.000 up to 3.750.000→
What's the Global Ocean Heat Content 0-700m Anomaly for Q3_2012 (in 10^22 Joules) ?
settled: less than 11.0 (*10^22 Joules)→
When will Nautilus Minerals Solwara 1 Project be fully operational digging Copper and Gold ?
settled: 2015 or later or never→
Which country will get most medals (Gold+Silver+Bronce) in London Paralympics 2012?
settled: People's Republic of China→
Which of these 3 "Fallen Angels"-stocks will have best performance betw. Mar-1-12 and Nov-30-2012 ?
RIMM Research in Motion→
What will be the Chinese Yuan / US-$ Foreign Exchange Rate (DEXCHUS) on Sep 28 2012 ?
settled: < 6.33 Yuan per one $→
Google Insights: Will Twitter ever have more Searchterm Interest than in Jul_2012 ?
settled: in Nov-Dec 2012→
Google Insights: When will Pinterest have more Searchterm Interest than in Feb_2012 ?
settled: after April 2013 or never→
Which of these 4 highflying stocks will have best performance between Nov-1-2011 and Nov-30-2012 ?
settled: VAL Valspar→
Will 2012 U.S. Green Party Candidate Jill Stein get more votes than Cynthia McKinney 2008?
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of September 2012 ?
settled: < 770 Billion EUR receivables→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) Aug 2012 ?
settled: -40.000 down to -45.000 Millions of $→
What performance will Workday (WDAY) get by closing on first day of listing ?
settled: + 30% or even more→
Will Barack Obama get 51% or more at least in 1 weekly Gallup Presidential Election Trial Heat 2012?
No, Obama will stay with 50% or less→
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) September 2012 ?
settled: Index 390 or higher→
Will the P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 16 at any day in 2012 ?
Will U.S. Inflation climb to 2% (CPI YoY) in Feb 2013 as forecasted by on Sept. 16 ?
Will 5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Yield climb above 1.3% in Feb 13 as seen by on Sep 12 ?
Will Predict the Winner of the U.S. Presidential Election 2012 correctly ?
Who will have more unique visitors by the end of November 2012: or ?
Will S&P 500 Index dive below 1.320 at least on one day in Oct 2012 (see ?
What's the Gold Price US-$/ounce (New York Fixing) on Oct-31-2012 ?
settled: 1.720 to less than 1.850 US-$→
Will 5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Yield climb above 1.0% in any month of NOV_2012, DEC_2012, JAN 2013 ?
settled: In no month of Nov_2012 - Jan_2013 above 1.0%→
What will be the U.S. Job Openings: Total Nonfarm (JTSJOL) September 2012 ?
settled: 3.500.000 up to 3.600.000→
Which of these 4 Stocks will have best performance between Aug-12-2012 and Jan-11-2013 ?
FB Facebook→
Will Georgian President Saakashvili resign before the Presidential Elections in October 2013?
Will Felix Baumgartner attempt a new try to jump from Heaven to Earth before June 2013 ?
€-Crisis: What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of October 2012 ?
settled: 710 Billion EUR receivables or more→
What will be the U.S. Import Index Value of Fuel Oil (IR10010) October 2012 ?
settled: Index 400 up to 440→
What will be the U.S. Trade Balance Goods & Services Balance of Payments Basis (BOPGSTB) Sep 2012 ?
settled: better (less) than -42.000 Millions of $→
Will Apple beat Avg. Analyst Estimate for Earnings of US-$ 13.59 per share for Q4_2012?
U.S. Presidential Election 2012: Which events will predict correctly?
settled: Electoral Vote & Popular Vote→
Will U.S. Inflation stay below 2.1% (CPI YoY) in Oct, Nov, Dec 2012 as forecasted by ?
settled: In 2 months of Oct-Nov-Dec below 2.1%→
Will predict the Winner of US Presidential Election 2012 correctly ?
What's the Gold Price US-$/ounce (New York Fixing) on Nov-30-2012 ?
settled: 1.700 to less than 1.800 US-$→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (London Fixing) on Nov-30-2012 ?
settled: 32 to less than 35 US-$→
Will S&P 500 Index top 1.500 points at least on one day closing until end Jan 2013 ( ?
Will polltracker TrackingPointsMemo predict the Winner of US Presidential Election 2012 correctly ?
What's the Gold Price US-$/ounce (New York Fixing) on Dec-31-2012 ?
settled: 1.650 to less than 1.750 US-$→
Google Insights: Will Facebook ever have more Searchterm Interest than in Nov_2012 ?
settled: in Dec 2012→
What's the Global Ocean Heat Content 0-700m Anomaly for Q4_2012 (in 10^22 Joules) ?
settled: 11.0 (*10^22 Joules) or even more→
Will searchterm 'Fracking' climb to a new alltime high in google search in December 2012?
What will be the European Wholsale-Price for Crystalline Chinese Solar Modules in Jan 2013 ?
settled: 0.51 to less than 0.54 €/Wp→
When will German Solar Photovoltaic Retail-Price (net €/kWp) drop below 1.500 EUR ?
settled: later or never→
What's the Gold Price US-$/ounce (New York Fixing) on Jan-31-2013 ?
settled: 1.600 to less than 1.700 US-$→
Which of these 3 Stocks will have best performance between Oct-25-2012 and Apr-26-2013 ?
VRTS Virtus Investment Partners→
What will be the Global Temperature Anomaly (Average Jan-Dec) for 2013 ?
settled: + 0.6° to less than + 0.7° Celsius→
Will Dow Jones Industrial Average Index beat alltime high of 14.164,53 points (Oct-09-2007) in 2013?
Will Amazon beat EBay in Google Trends Search Volume Index at least in one month during 2013 ?
Will RIMM Research in Motion be taken over / merged by any other company before Dec-31-2013 ?
NO - RIMM will stay independent until Dec-31-2013→
Will the P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 15 at any day in 2013 ?
Will new technique to capture CO2 by running it through pulverized concrete or rock be successful ?
UEFA Country Ranking season 2012/2013 (based on a 5-year period): Will Germany overtake England?
NO: Germany will stay on 3rd rank behind England→
Will searchterm 'CO2' recover and get 40 (Google Search Volume Index) at least in 1 month in 2013 ?
Google Insights: Will Twitter ever have more Searchterm Interest than in Nov+Dec_2012 ?
settled: after that period or never→
Will any agency downgrade US credit-rating in 2013 to AA+(Fitch), Aa1(Moody's), AA(S&P), A-(Dagong)?
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2013 ?
settled: 9.700 up to 10.000→
Will searchterm 'Fracking' climb to a new alltime high in google search in January 2013?
Will German FDP-leader Philipp Rösler resign before the next Parliament Elections in autumn 2013?
Will SWV Solarworld be taken over / merged by any other company before Dec-31-2013 ?
NO - Solarworld will stay independent until Dec-31-2013→
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 15 % at any daily closing during 2013 ?
Will German FDP get more than 5% in Elections for Niedersachsen-Parliament on Jan-20-2013?
How many likes will Apple App Store have on facebook as of June 30 2013 ?
settled: 7.5 Mio up to 8 Mio likes→
Will the Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 7 % at any daily closing during 2013 ?
Will Yield for Italian Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 6.0 % at any daily closing during 2013 ?
Will S&P 500 Index Daily Close Average in May 2013 be below 1.400 Points ( ?
Will SPICE Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering project restart testing ?
settled: later or never→
Google Insights: Will Facebook ever have more Searchterm Interest than in DEC_2012 ?
settled: after that period or never→
Will searchterm 'Fracking' climb to a new alltime high in google search in February 2013?
Will 5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Yield climb above 1.0% in any month of FEB, MAR, APR 2013 ?
settled: In no month of Feb_2013 - Apr_2013 above 1.0%→
Which of these 4 Rare Earth Stocks will have best performance between Dec-14-2012 and Jun-14-2013 ?
settled: SHA:600111 Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth→
What will be the European Wholsale-Price for Crystalline Chinese Solar Modules in Feb 2013 ?
settled: 0.53 €/Wp or more→
Will Silver Wheaton share SLW close above $45 (daily closing) at any day until Dec-31-2013 ?
Which of these 4 Stocks will have best performance between Dec-14-2012 and Jun-14-2013 ?
LNKD LinkedIn→
Google Insights: Will Twitter ever have more Searchterm Interest than in Dec_2012 ?
settled: after that period or never→
Photovoltaic Solar Cells: When will best research-cell efficiency climb to 45% or even more ?
settled: 2014→
When will Intrade get back allowance to offer real-money prediction markets to U.S. residents ?
settled: later or never→
Will U.S. Inflation stay below 1.6% (CPI YoY) in Jan, Feb, Mar 2013 as forecasted by ?
settled: In 2 months of Jan-Feb-Mar 2013 below 1.6%→
When will FC Bayern München be anounced as the winner of the Soccer 1st Bundesliga season 2012/2013?
settled: Matchday 28: 6.4.13 after match against Frankfurt→
What will be the European Wholsale-Price for Crystalline Chinese Solar Modules in Mar 2013 ?
settled: 0.54 €/Wp or more→
How many of the 8 Major Tech Predictions (Business Insider) for 2013 will be true ?
settled: 4 to 5 predictions true→
How many of the Top 10 IT Predictions ( for 2013 will be true ?
settled: 5 to 6 predictions true→
Will the P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 16 at any day in 2013 ?
Will Apple share cost less than 420 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2013 ?
Will Apple share cost less than 419,85 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2013 ?
Will the Spanish Unemployment Rate surpass 27 % at least in one of the 4 months Dec_12, Jan-Mar_13 ?
Will the Greek Unemployment Rate surpass 27 % at least in one of the 5 months Nov_12 to Mar_13?
By what amount will the US debt ceiling be increased in Q2_2013 ?
settled: raised up to $1.0 trillion→
Will Apple share cost less than 402,80 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2013 ?
Will Apple share cost less than 392,05 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2013 ?
Will Apple share cost less than 390,07 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2013 ?
What web search interest (Google Trends) will 'Bitcoin' have related to 'Gold' in April 2013 ?
settled: < 14 % of Gold→
Catholic Pope Election in March 2013: How many hours will the Conclave take ?
settled: up to 36 hours→
What Global Alexa Traffic Rank will have end September 2013 ?
settled: 52000 or even less (better)→
What will be the European Wholsale-Price for Crystalline Chinese Solar Modules in April 2013 ?
settled: 0.54 or 0.55 €/Wp→
What's the Prediction-Error for the Gold-Price US-$/ounce May 31 2013 on ?
settled: crowd-prognosis higher than + 2% of real Gold-Price May 31→
Which of these 3 Stocks will have best performance between Jul-20-2012 and Jul-19-2013 ?
settled: VCBI Virginia Cm Bncp→
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2013 drop below 95.000 ?
Will the P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 17 at any day in 2013 ?
What web search interest (Google Trends) will 'Bitcoin' have related to 'Gold' in May 2013 ?
settled: < 10% of Gold→
Will 5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Yield FVX climb above 0.87% at any day in May-Jun 2013 ?
Google Insights: Will Facebook ever have more Searchterm Interest than in DEC_2012 ?
settled: after that period or never→
How many available (open) bets will offer as of June 30 2013? ?
settled: less than 320→
Will Gold Price be back above 1.500 US-$/ounce (monthly average) in Jun, Jul, Aug 2013?
settled: in no month above 1.500→
Will Q1 2013 US Household Debt Payments be below 10.25% of Disposable Personal Income (TDSP)?
Will Bitcoin-Price again exceed USD 150 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
What will be the European Wholsale-Price for Crystalline Chinese Solar Modules in May 2013 ?
settled: 0.54 or 0.55 €/Wp→
What's the Bitcoin Price on April 30 3013 (weighted closing mtgoxUSD) ?
settled: 130 USD or even more→
Which of these 3 Stocks will have best performance between Nov-1-2012 and Aug-2-2013 ?
PCRX Pacira Pharmaceuticals→
Will the Greek Unemployment Rate surpass 27,5 % at least in one of the 4 months Feb_13 to May_13?
Will 5 Year U.S. Treasury Note Yield FVX climb above 1.25% at any day in Jun-Jul 2013 ?
What will be the European Wholsale-Price for Crystalline Chinese Solar Modules in June 2013 ?
settled: 0.56 €/Wp or more→
Will Q2 2013 US Household Debt Payments be below 10.5% of Disposable Personal Income (TDSP)?
What's the Bitcoin Price on May-31-2013 (weighted closing mtgoxUSD) ?
settled: 100 USD up to less than 130 USD→
What Global Alexa Traffic Rank will have end October 2013 ?
settled: between 37700 and 40000→
In which month (full month) will the mean average CO2-value surpass 400 ppm in 2014 ?
settled: in April 2014→
Will Silver Price dive below US-$ 17,50 /ounce on any New York Fixing until Sep 2 2013 ?
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2013 have?
settled: 19 or less→
Will the Spanish Unemployment Rate surpass 27 % at least in one of the 3 months Apr-Jun_2013 ?
Will Silver Wheaton share SLW close below $15 (daily closing) at any day until Dec-31-2013 ?
What's the Gold Price US-$/ounce (New York Fixing) on Aug-30-2013 ?
settled: 1.300 to less than 1.400 US-$→
Which of these 4 Rare Earth Stocks will have best performance between May-29-2013 and Nov-29-2013 ?
settled: SHA:600111 Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth→
When will German Solar Photovoltaic Retail-Price (net €/kWp) drop below 1.550 EUR ?
settled: Aug 2013→
Will Gold Price be back above 1.400 US-$/ounce (monthly average) in Sep, Oct, Nov 2013?
settled: in no month above 1.400→
How many available (open) bets will offer as of Sept 30 2013? ?
settled: 260 up to less than 290→
Google Insights: Will Facebook ever have more Searchterm Interest than in DEC_2012 ?
settled: after that period or never→
What Global Alexa Traffic Rank will have end October 2013 ?
settled: between 38000 and 40000→
What's the Bitcoin Price on July 31 2013 (weighted closing mtgoxUSD) ?
settled: 100 USD up to less than 120 USD→
Will any of these 6 credit rating agencies downgrade US credit-rating until March 31 2014?
Google Insights: Will Twitter ever have more Searchterm Interest than in Nov+Dec_2012 ?
settled: after that period or never→
Will the Greek Unemployment Rate surpass 28 % at least in one of the 4 months Jun_13 to Sep_13?
What Global Alexa Traffic Rank will have end November 2013 ?
settled: 33.000 or even less (better)→
When will German Solar Photovoltaic Retail-Price (net €/kWp) drop below 1.435 EUR ?
settled: Dec 2013→
Which of these 3 Highflyer Stocks will have best performance between Mar-15-2013 and Dec-15-2013 ?
PCRX Pacira Pharmaceuticals→
Which of these 3 Solar Highflyer Stocks will have best performance May-15-2013 to Dec-15-2013 ?
settled: CSIQ Canadian Solar→
Will Q3 2013 US Household Debt Payments be below 9.90% of Disposable Personal Income (TDSP)?
What Global Alexa Traffic Rank will have end December 2013 ?
settled: 20.000 or even less (better)→
What's the Bitcoin Price on Sep 30 2013 (weighted closing mtgoxUSD) ?
settled: 135 USD up to less than 150 USD→
Will Gold Price be back above 1.300 US-$/ounce (monthly average) in Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 2014?
settled: in 2 of 4 months above 1.300→
Will Bitcoin-Price again exceed USD 175 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
Will the P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 18 at any day in 2013 ?
What Global Alexa Traffic Rank will have end March 2014 ?
settled: between 13.000 and 11.000→
Will Apple share cost less than 555 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2014 ?
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between Sep-30-2013 and Jan-3-2014 ?
GOOG Google→
When will German Solar Photovoltaic Retail-Price (net €/kWp) drop below 1.470 EUR ?
settled: Oct 2013→
Which of these 4 Highflyer Stocks will have best performance Apr-10-2013 to Jan-10-2014 ?
settled: PCRX Pacira Pharmaceuticals→
How many followers will my twitter-account jbiesenberger have on Dec-31-2013 ?
settled: 145.000 up to 155.000 followers→
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2014 ?
settled: less than 10.700→
Will searchterm 'CO2' recover and get 40 (Google Search Volume Index) at least in 1 month in 2014 ?
Will Bitcoin-Price again exceed USD 230 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
Will Apple share cost less than 71.28 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2014 ?
Will Bitcoin-Price again exceed USD 255 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
What's the U.S. Total Debt held by the Public end April 2014?
settled: between 17.500 up to 17.600 $ billions→
Will Bitcoin-Price again exceed USD 355 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
Will Silver Wheaton share SLW close above $30 (daily closing) at any day until Dec-31-2014 ?
Will Gold Price stay below 1.300 US-$/ounce (monthly average) in May, Jun, Jul, Aug 2014?
settled: in 3 of 4 months below 1.300→
Will Bitcoin-Price again exceed USD 394 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
Will the P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 18 at any day in 2014 ?
Will Bitcoin-Price again exceed USD 444 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
Google Insights: Will Twitter ever have more Searchterm Interest than in Dec_2012 ?
settled: after that period or never→
Google Insights: Will Facebook ever have more Searchterm Interest than in DEC 2012 ?
settled: after that period or never→
Will Bitcoin-Price again exceed USD 666 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
What's the U.S. Total Debt held by the Public end July 2014?
settled: between 17.600 up to 17.700 $ billions→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on August-29-2014 ?
settled: 19 to less than 20.5 US-$→
Will Bitcoin-Price exceed USD 888 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
How far will Mars Exploration Rover "Opportunity" go until August 2019?
settled: 27.5 to less than 30 miles→
Will Bitcoin-Price exceed USD 1.111 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
Will Yield for Italian Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 4.8 % at any daily closing during 2014 ?
Will Gold Price stay below 1.300 US-$/ounce (monthly average) in Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2014?
settled: in all 4 months below 1.300→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 0.5%?
settled: later or never→
Will Bitcoin-Price exceed USD 1.234 (weighted close mtgoxUSD) at any day in the rest of 2013 ?
Will the Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 5.55 % at any daily closing during 2014 ?
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on November-28-2014 ?
settled: 15 to less than 16 US-$→
What's the GoldPrice US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on November-28-2014 ?
settled: 1120 to less than 1170 US-$→
What's the U.S. Total Debt held by the Public end November 2014?
settled: between 17.940 up to 18.020 $ billions→
How many followers will my twitter-account jbiesenberger have on Dec-31-2014 ?
settled: < 155.000 followers→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on December-30-2014 ?
settled: 16 to less than 17 US-$→
What's the GoldPrice US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on December-30-2014 ?
settled: 1150 to less than 1200 US-$→
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 12 % at any daily closing during 2014 ?
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between Oct-05-2013 and Apr-4-2014 ?
settled: TXT Textron→
When will German Solar Photovoltaic Retail-Price (net EUR/kWp) drop below 1.350 EUR ?
settled: in Q2 2014→
How many seats in City Council Grafing (Bavaria) will Green Party get in Elections March 16 2014 ?
settled: 5 seats→
Earthquake Prediction: Will California get an earthquake > 6.5 Magnitude until end of 2014?
Will Apple share cost less than 100 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2015 ?
Will Gold Price stay below 1.201 US-$/ounce (monthly average) in Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr 2015?
settled: in 2 of 4 months below 1.201→
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between Oct-10-2013 and Oct-10-2014 ?
PCRX Pacira Pharmaceuticals→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2014 have?
settled: 16 or less→
Will Facebook get back more Google Searchterm Interest than 70% of DEC 2012 ?
settled: in Q3 2014 average > 70%→
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2015 ?
settled: 10.500 or even more→
Will searchterm 'CO2' recover and get 38 (Google Search Volume Index) at least in 1 month in 2015 ?
Will Twitter get back more Google Searchterm Interest than 70% of Dec_2012 ?
settled: in any month in Q3 2014 > 70%→
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between May-13-2014 and Oct-13-2014 ?
UA Under Armour→
When will German Solar Photovoltaic Retail-Price (net EUR/kWp) drop below 1.300 EUR ?
settled: in Q3 2014→
Will United States Government Debt to GDP Ratio dive below 100% within next years?
settled: later or never→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 0.5%?
settled: later or never→
When will Nautilus Minerals Solwara 1 Project be fully operational digging Copper and Gold ?
settled: later or never→
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2014 drop below 150.000 ?
Will Google Search Interest for "Islam" exceed the 10year Maximum of Jan_15 in any other month 2015?
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between Jan-16-2014 and Oct-10-2015 ?
UA Under Armour→
Will Silver Wheaton share SLW close above $30 (daily closing) at any day until Dec-31-2015 ?
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on February-27-2015 ?
settled: 16.5 to less than 17.5 US-$→
What's the U.S. Total Debt held by the Public end March 2015?
settled: between 18.150 up to 18.200 $ billions→
Will the P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 17 at any day in 2015 ?
What's the U.S. Total Debt held by the Public end April 2015?
settled: between 18.150 up to 18.200 $ billions→
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 11 % at any daily closing during 2015 ?
Will Twitter get back more Google Searchterm Interest than 65% of Dec_2012 ?
settled: after that period or never > 65%→
Will Facebook get back more Google Searchterm Interest than 65% of DEC 2012 ?
settled: after that period or never average > 65%→
Will Gold Price stay below 1.200 US-$/ounce (monthly average) in May, Jun, Jul, Aug 2015?
settled: in all 4 months below 1.200→
Will Gold Price stay below 1.200 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in May, Jun, Jul, Aug 2015?
settled: in all 4 months below 1.200→
Will the Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 2% at any daily closing during 2015 ?
Will Yield for Italian Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 3 % at any daily closing during 2015 ?
What's the U.S. Total Debt held by the Public end May 2015?
settled: between 18.150 up to 18.200 $ billions→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 0 %?
settled: in June 2015→
When will Intrade get back allowance to offer real-money prediction markets to U.S. residents ?
settled: later or never→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Jun-30-2015 ?
settled: 15.5 to less than 16.5 US-$→
Earthquake Prediction: Will California get an earthquake > 6.5 Magnitude until end of 2015?
When will the first prototype of a new Lithium Air Battery power a car on public roads ?
settled: later or never→
What's the U.S. Total Debt held by the Public end June 2015?
settled: between 18.150 up to 18.200 $ billions→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 0.5 %?
settled: later or never→
Will SPICE Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering project restart testing ?
settled: later or never→
When will German Solar Photovoltaic Retail-Price (net EUR/kWp) drop below 1.200 EUR ?
settled: later or never→
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2015 drop below 200.000 ?
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between May-10-2014 and Oct-10-2015 ?
AVGO Avago Technologies→
When will India have biggest population in the world overtaking China - current number 1?
settled: before year 2025→
When will one of the other rating agencies follow S&P and lower Russia's credit rating to 'junk' ?
settled: in Q1_2015→
Will Gold Price stay below 1.150 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2015?
settled: in 3 of 4 months below 1.150→
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 15 % at any daily closing during 2015 ?
When will one of the other 4 rating agencies lower Russia's credit rating to 'junk' ?
settled: later or never→
Will the P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 18 at any day in 2015 ?
Photovoltaic Solar Cells: When will best research-cell efficiency climb to 50% or even more ?
settled: later or never→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 0.5 %?
settled: in Dec 2015→
Will the Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 3% at any daily closing during 2015 ?
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Nov-30-2015 ?
settled: 13.7 to less than 14.5 US-$→
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 25 % at any daily closing during 2015 ?
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2015 have?
settled: 11 or more→
When will the monthly number of Syrian Asylum Applications to EUR Countries exceed 50.000 people?
settled: August 2015→
Will searchterm 'CO2' recover and get 40 (Google Search Volume Index) at least in 1 month in 2016 ?
When will the monthly number of Syrian Asylum Applications to EUR Countries exceed 80.000 people?
settled: October 2015→
When will the monthly number of Syrian Asylum Applications to EUR Countries exceed 150.000 people?
settled: later or never→
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between Oct-10-2014 and Oct-10-2016 ?
GLOB Globant→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2016 have?
settled: 16 or more→
When will European Carbon Emission Certificates cost more than 10 EUR / t Co2?
settled: later or never→
How many followers will my twitter-account jbiesenberger have on Dec-31-2016 ?
settled: 115.000 up to 125.000 followers→
Will Silver Wheaton share SLW close above $15 (daily closing) at any day until Dec-31-2016 ?
Will Apple share cost less than 99 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2016 ?
Will Yield for Italian Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 2.5 % at any daily closing during 2016 ?
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 17.5 at any day in 2016 ?
Will Gold Price stay above 1.000 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2016?
settled: in all 6 months above 1.000 $→
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 15 % at any daily closing during 2016 ?
Will the Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 2.5% at any daily closing during 2016 ?
When will one of the other 4 rating agencies lower Russia's credit rating to 'junk' ?
settled: later or never→
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2016 ?
settled: less than 11.600→
Will Apple share cost less than 89 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2016 ?
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 0.75 %?
settled: later or never→
Earthquake Prediction: Will California get an earthquake > 6.4 Magnitude until end of 2016?
Yes, before the end of 2016, a 6.5+ M earthquake hits California→
What's the number of Crypto-Currencies on with Market Cap > 0 by the end of 2016 ?
settled: < 590→
In how many months 2016 will the number of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals be below previous year month?
settled: in 9 or 8 months below 2015 month→
When will one of the 11 finalists win the Virgin Earth Challenge competition ?
settled: later or never→
When will India - current number 2 - overtake China in Internet Users ?
settled: 2023 or later or never India #1→
What result will we see for the Go-Challenge-Match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol?
settled: AlphaGo wins with 2 or more games difference→
When will Hyperloop will be officially launched (after successful testing) ?
settled: later or never→
Will Silver Wheaton share SLW close below $15 (daily closing) at any day until Dec-31-2016 ?
How often will the number of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals to Italy be above previous year month?
settled: in 6 or 7months above 2015 months→
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 18.5 at any day in 2016 ?
When will monthly number of Syrian Asylum Applications to EUR Countries exceed again 50.000 people?
settled: later or never→
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 19.5 at any day in 2016 ?
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2016 drop below 150.000 ?
Will Gold Price stay above 1.333 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2016?
settled: in 2 of 6 months above 1.333 $→
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 20.0 at any day in 2016 ?
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of the Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 21.0 at any day in 2016 ?
Will searchterm 'CO2' grow further to 42 (Google Search Volume Index) at least in 1 month in 2017 ?
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Oct-31-2016 ?
settled: 17.5 to less than 18.5 US-$→
When will monthly number of Syrian Asylum Applications to EUR Countries exceed again 30.000 people?
settled: later or never→
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between Oct-10-2015 and Oct-10-2017 ?
PRBZF Premium Brands→
What will 2016/2017 season's maximum ice coverage of Lake Michigan be?
settled: 15% to less than 25%→
When will European Carbon Emission Certificates cost more than 10 EUR/ t Co2?
settled: later or never→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2017 have?
settled: 15 to 18→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Dec-30-2016 ?
settled: 15.5 to less than 16.5 US-$→
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 22.0 at any day until end 2017?
Earthquake Prediction: Will California get an earthquake > 6.5 Magnitude until end of 2017?
Yes, before the end of 2017 an earthquake > 6.5 M hits California→
How many followers will my twitter-account jbiesenberger have on Dec-31-2017 ?
settled: 110.000 up to 120.000 followers→
Will Gold Price be above 1.200 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2017?
settled: in 5 of 6 months above 1.200 $→
In how many months 2017 will the number of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals be below previous year month?
settled: in 7, 8 or 9 months below 2016 month→
How often In 2017 will the Nbr of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals to Italy be above previous year month?
settled: in 4, 5 or 6 months above 2016 months→
Will Apple share cost less than 95 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2017 ?
What's the number of Crypto-Currencies on with Market Cap > 0 by the end of 2017 ?
settled: 590 or more→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 0.75 %?
settled: later or never→
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 9 % at any daily closing during 2017 ?
Will Yield for Italian Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 2.5 % at any daily closing during 2017 ?
Will the Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 2% at any daily closing during 2017 ?
Will Silver Wheaton share SLW close below $17.5 (daily closing) at any day until Dec-31-2017 ?
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2017 ?
settled: 10.000 or even more→
When will one of the other 4 rating agencies lower Russia's credit rating to 'junk' ?
settled: later or never→
Will SPICE Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering project restart testing ?
settled: later or never→
When will the next country follow France to install Solar Roadway Panel on a public roadway ?
settled: 2018→
Corruption Perception Index 2016: Will United States improve 2015 rank of 17 to 16 or higher?
NO: United States will stay with rank 17 or lower→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Feb-28-2017 ?
settled: 17.50 to less than 18.50 US-$→
Will Global Sea Ice Area on every day in 2017 stay below Daily Minimum 1978 to 2016?
NO, at least on one day above previous years daily minimum→
Will Global Sea Ice Area on every day in March to December 2017 stay below Daily Minimum 1978-2016?
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Mar-31-2017 ?
settled: 17.50 to less than 18.50 US-$→
Will Crude Oil (WTI) Spot Price again climb above $ 50 / bbl (intraday) at any day in 2017 ?
When will monthly number of Syrian Asylum Applications to EUR Countries exceed again 10.000 people?
settled: later or never→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on May-31-2017 ?
settled: 16.50 to less than 17.50 US-$→
Will Crude Oil (WTI) Spot Price again climb above $ 55 / bbl (intraday) at any day in 2017 ?
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2017 drop below 150.000 ?
Golden October: Which Stock will have best performance between Oct-10-2016 and Oct-10-2018 ?
ROL Rollins→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Oct-31-2017 ?
settled: 16.50 to less than 17.50 US-$→
Will Gold Price be above 1.300 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Oct Nov Dec 2017 Jan Feb Mar 2018?
settled: in 3 of 6 months above 1.300 $→
Will Syria keep last rank in Global Peace-Index 2018 ?
yes, Syria least peaceful country 2018→
Will Tesla share cost more than 444 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) untilel end 2018 ?
Will Apple share cost more than 177 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) until end 2018 ?
Will Crude Oil (WTI) Spot Price again climb above $ 66 / bbl (intraday) at any day until End 2018 ?
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Nov-30-2017 ?
settled: 15.70 to less than 16.70 US-$→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2018 have?
settled: 16 to 18→
Will the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index close below 22.222 points anytime in 2018 ?
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Dec-29-2017 ?
settled: 16.00 to less than 17.00 US-$→
Photovoltaic Solar Cells: When will best research-cell efficiency climb to 50% or even more ?
settled: later or never→
Will Apple share cost less than 150 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2018 ?
Will searchterm 'CO2' grow further to 42 (Google Search Volume Index) at least in 1 month in 2018 ?
What's the number of Crypto-Currencies on with Market Cap > 0 by the end of 2018 ?
settled: 1200 or more→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 0.55 %?
settled: in Q1_2018→
How many followers will my twitter-account jbiesenberger have on Dec-31-2018 ?
settled: < 110.000 followers→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Jan-31-2018 ?
settled: 17.00 to less than 17.50 US-$→
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 22.5 at any day until end 2018?
Will the Yield for Spanish Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 2% at any daily closing during 2018 ?
Will Wheaton Precious Metals share WPM close below $20.0 at any day until Dec-31-2018 ?
Earthquake Prediction: Will California get an earthquake > 6.5 Magnitude until end of 2018?
Will Yield for Italian Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 2.5 % at any daily closing during 2018 ?
Will the Yield for Greek Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 4.5 % at any daily closing during 2018 ?
How often In 2018 will the Nbr of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals to Italy be above previous year month?
settled: in no nonth above 2016 months→
When will monthly number of Syrian Asylum Applications to EUR Countries exceed again 9.000 people?
settled: later or never→
In how many months 2018 will the number of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals be below previous year month?
settled: in 7, 8 or 9 months below 2017 month→
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2018 ?
settled: 11.500 or even more→
Corruption Perception Index 2017: Will United States improve 2016 rank of 18 to 17 or higher?
NO: United States will stay with rank 18 or lower→
Will Global Sea Ice Area on any day in Q2_2018 to Q4_2018 be below Daily Minimum 1978-2017?
When will the first prototype of a new Lithium Air Battery power a car on public roads ?
settled: later or never→
Will 2018 Great Lakes Annual Maximum Ice Coverage be less than 1973-2017 minimum of 11.9%?
Will Gold Price be above 1.300 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in May_2018 to Oct_2018?
settled: in 1 0f 6 months above 1.300 $→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security, Constant Maturity climb above 1.0 %?
settled: in Q4_2018→
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2018 drop below 155.000 ?
Will Tesla share cost more than 444 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) until end 2019 ?
Will Wheaton Precious Metals share WPM close below $18.0 at any day until Dec-31-2018 ?
Will Crude Oil (WTI) Spot Price again climb above $ 88 / bbl (intraday) at any day until End 2018 ?
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 25 at any day until end 2018?
Will Yield for Italian Government 10yr-Bonds surpass 4 % at any daily closing during 2018 ?
Will Apple share cost less than 124 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2019 ?
When will NYSE + FINRA Margin Debt climb above May_2018-high of 668,9 bill USD?
settled: later or never→
When will European Carbon Emission Certificates cost more than 30 EUR/ t Co2?
settled: later or never→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2019 have?
settled: 19 or more→
Will Gold Price be below 1.300 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in May_2019 to Oct_2019?
settled: in 1 of 6 months below 1.300 $→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security Constant Maturity climb above 1.0 %?
settled: later or never→
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of Dow Jones Index DJIA climb above 22 at any day until end 2019?
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2019 drop below 200.000 ?
How many additional (vs. 2019) Nuclear Power plants will be operating in U.S. in December 2022 ?
settled: zero→
Will searchterm 'CO2' grow above 53 (Google Search Volume Index) at least in 1 month in 2020 ?
What's the number of Crypto-Currencies on with Market Cap > 0 by the end of 2020 ?
settled: 2200 up to 2500→
How often In 2020 will the Nbr of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals to Italy be above previous year month?
settled: in 9 to12 months above 2019 months→
What Australian Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2020 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: between +1° and +1.5°C→
What Australian Summer Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2020 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: between +1.5° and +2°C→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on Jan-31-2020 ?
settled: 17.80 to less than 18.30 US-$→
Will Tesla share cost more than 246,8 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price post split) end 2020 ?
Will Apple share cost more than 500 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day in 2020 ?
How many months in 2020 will CO2 value be below 414 ppm ?
settled: in more than 4 month below 414 ppm→
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2020 ?
settled: 15.500 or even more→
Will the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index close above 29.999 points anytime in 2020 ?
Will Somalia keep last rank in Global Peace-Index 2020 ?
no, rank of Somalia will improve 2020→
Will Gold Price be below 2.000 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Aug_2020 to Jan_2021?
settled: in all 6 months below 2.000 $→
When will European Carbon Emission Certificates again cost more than 30 EUR/ t CO2?
settled: Q3_2020→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2020 have?
settled: 21 or more→
Corruption Perception Index 2020: Will United States improve their 2019 rank of 23 to 22 or higher?
NO: United States will stay with rank 23 or lower→
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of Dow Jones Index DJIA fall below 25 at any day until end 2020?
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security Constant Maturity climb above -1.0 %?
settled: later or never→
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2020 drop below 250.000 ?
When will number of Registered Syrian Refugees (in-camp) exceed again 300.000 people?
settled: later or never→
When will one of the 11 finalists win the Virgin Earth Challenge competition ?
settled: later or never→
Will the Gallup Presidential Job Approval rate 4 Trump climb above 45% until end of parliament term?
What Average Surface Air-Temperature will Arctic Siberia 74°N-105°E get in 2020 (Base: 1981-2010) ?
settled: > +4°C→
Which Stock will have best 19 months performance between Dec-31-2019 and Jul-31-2021 ?
PLUG Plug Power→
Will Gold/Silver-Ratio climb again above 80 at any day between Aug 17 and Dec 31 2020 ?
Will chess program Komodo get its 5th win in a row at the 26th World Chess Championship tournament?
settled: competition again postponed due to corona→
Will Apple cost more than 150 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price post split) at any day in 2020 ?
What Global Land Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2020 (base: 1910-2000) ?
settled: +1.6°C or less→
Which is the next country to lose its standard & poors AAA rating?
None of them before the end of 2021→
Will prediction-site Pollyvote correctly predict the winner of US president elections on Nov 3 2020?
After sharp decline: When will the number of air flight passengers climb to a new alltime high?
settled: later or never: lesson learned...→
When will European Carbon Emission Certificates again cost more than 30 EUR/ t CO2?
settled: Q4-2020→
When will US Federal Total Public Debt surpass 150% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) ?
settled: later or never→
Will the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index DJIA close above 33.333 points anyday until end 2021 ?
What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of August 2020 ?
settled: 1.025 Billion EUR receivables or more→
Earthquake Prediction: When will California get again an earthquake > 6.6 Magnitude ?
settled: later or never→
What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of October 2020 ?
settled: < 1.160 Billion EUR receivables→
Will chess program Komodo get its 5th win in a row at 26th World Computer Chess Championship tournt?
settled: competition again postponed to 2022 due to corona→
What will be the Percentage Of Stocks Above 200-Day Average ($MMTH) end 2021 ?
settled: between 30% and 50%→
What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of November 2020 ?
settled: 1.040 up to 1.080 Billion EUR receivables→
Will Bitcoin-Price climb above USD 100.000 (closing coindesk) at any day until end 2021 ?
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2021 have?
settled: 19 to 22→
What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of December 2020 ?
settled: 1.090 Billion EUR receivables or more→
Will searchterm 'Tesla' grow above 66 points (vs. 'vw' and 'Toyota') at least in 1 month in 2021 ?
Will P/E-ratio (trailing 12 mon) of Dow Jones Index DJIA fall below 27 at any day until end 2021?
What Global Land Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2021 (base: 1910-2000) ?
settled: +1.6°C or less→
Is growing search-interest for 'Stock', 'Aktie', 'Share' predicting a crash of DJIA > -25% in 2021?
No - DJIA will not correct more than -25% from alltime high→
In how many months in 2021 will the CO2 value be below 416 ppm ?
settled: in more than 4 month below 416 ppm→
What will be the Target2-Saldo of Deutsche Bundesbank as of January 2021 ?
settled: < 1.100 Billion EUR receivables→
What Average Surface Air-Temperature will Arctic Siberia 74°N-105°E get in 2021 (Base: 1981-2010) ?
settled: +3°C or less→
What Australian Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2021 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: +1°C or less→
What's the number of Crypto-Currencies on with Market Cap > 0 by the end of 2021 ?
settled: 2500 or more→
Will Gold Price be below 1.800 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Feb_2021 to Jul_2021?
settled: in 2 of 6 months below 1.800 $→
Climate Change Performance Index 2022: Will U.S. improve from last rank with Biden as new President?
What Australian Summer Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2020/2021 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: +1.5°C or less→
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2021 ?
settled: 17.000 or even more→
How often In 2021 will the Nbr of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals to Italy be above previous year month?
settled: in 9 to12 months above 2020 months→
Corruption Perception Index 2021: Will United States improve their 2020 rank of 25 to 24 or higher?
NO: United States will stay with rank 25 or lower→
Which Stock will have best 16 months performance between Dec-3-2020 and Apr-3-2022 ?
DAC Danaos→
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2021 drop below 202.100 ?
What Australian Summer Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2021/2022 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: +1.5°C or less→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security Constant Maturity climb (return) above -1.5 %?
settled: in Q4_2021→
What's the GoldPrice US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on August-31-2021 ?
settled: 1.750 to less than 1.850 US-$→
Will Apple cost more than 199 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day until end 2022 ?
Which Stock will have best 21 months performance between Apr-1-2021 and Dec-31-2022 ?
ALB Albemarle→
Will Gold Price be below 1.800 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Aug_2021 to Jan_2022?
settled: in 4 of 6 months below 1.800 $→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2022 have?
settled: 19 or less→
When will European Carbon Emission Certificates cost more than 99 EUR/ t CO2?
settled: later or never→
Will the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index DJIA close above 39.999 points anyday until end 2022 ?
What Average Air-Temperature anomaly (base 1981-2010) will Arctic Siberia 74°N-105°E get in 2022 ?
settled: +2°C or less→
Will Bitcoin-Price climb again above USD 49.999 (closing coindesk) at any day until end 2022 ?
What will be the Percentage Of Stocks Above 200-Day Average ($MMTH) end 2022 ?
settled: between 30% and 50%→
What Australian Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2022 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: +1°C or less→
What Global Land Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2022 (base: 1910-2000) ?
settled: +1.4°C or less→
When will the number of Registered Syrian Refugees (in-camp) exceed again 300.000 people?
settled: 2023→
How often will Gold Price stay below 1.900 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Feb_2022 to Jul_2022?
settled: in 4 of 6 months below 1.900 $→
How often In 2022 will the Nbr of Mediterranean Sea Arrivals to Italy be above previous year month?
settled: in 9 to12 months above 2021 months→
Corruption Perception Index 2027: Will United States improve their 2021 rank of 27 to 26 or higher?
YES: US will improve their rank from 25 to 24 or even higher→
Climate Change Performance Index 2023: Will U.S. improve from rank 55 with Biden as new President?
What's the number of Crypto-Currencies on with Market Cap > 0 by the end of 2022 ?
settled: < 2800→
Which is the next of these 11 countries to lose its standard & poors AAA rating?
None of them before the end of 2023→
Will chess progr. Komodo get its 5th win in a row at 26th World Computer Chess Championship tournt?
Yes in 2022→
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2022 ?
settled: 18.000 or even more→
Which Stock will have best 16 months performance between Dec-3-2021 and Apr-3-2023 ?
GR:TENERGY Terna Energy→
When will 5-Year Treasury Inflation-Indexed Security Constant Maturity climb (return) above -0.5 %?
settled: in Q2_2022→
Will Russian Gold Reserves as of Dec 2022 fall below 2.000 tons coming from 2.317 tons Dec 2021?
What's the number of Ukrainian Refugees to countries outside of Ukraine end of 2022 ?
settled: 6 Mio up to less than 8 Mio→
When will US Fed increase Fed Funds Rate above the range 1.00% - 1.25%?
settled: Q2_2022 above 1.00% - 1.25%→
What number of named Pacific Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2022 have?
settled: 17 to 20→
When will Austrian 0.85% 100-Year bond (stock symbol A2HLC4) fall below 33%?
settled: later or never→
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2022 drop below 300.000 ?
When will US Fed increase Fed Funds Rate above the range 1.75% - 2.00%?
settled: Q3_2022 above 1.75% - 2.00%→
Will chess progr. Komodo get its 6th win in a row at 27th World Computer Chess Championship tournt?
No in 2023→
US Fire danger: Will Number of fires and / or Area burned get new annual 10year-highs in 2022?
settled: neither No of fires nor Area burned @ new high→
Which ETF will have the best 16 months performance between May-1-2022 and Aug-31-2023 ?
XE:BATE L&G Battery Value-Chain→
What's the Silver Price US-$/ounce (NY Fixing) on September-30-2022 ?
settled: 18.5 to less than 19.5 US-$→
How often will Gold Price stay below 1.750 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Sep_2022 to Feb_2023?
settled: in 3 of 6 months below 1.750 $→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2023 have?
settled: 20 to 23→
Will Apple cost more than 149 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day until end 2023 ?
What Australian Summer Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2022/2023 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: +0.75°C or less→
Will Bitcoin-Price climb again above USD 33.333 (closing coindesk) at any day until end 2023 ?
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2023 ?
settled: 20.000 or even more→
Will Wheaton Precious Metals share WPM close above US-$55 at any day until Dec-31-2023 ?
What number of named Pacific Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2023 have?
settled: 18 to 21→
What's the number of Crypto-Currencies on with Market Cap > 0 by the end of 2023?
settled: 2300 up to 2600→
What Global Land Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2023 (base: 1901-2000) ?
settled: +1.3°C or less→
What Australian Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2023 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: between +0.7° and +1.2°C→
What Average Air-Temperature anomaly (base 1981-2010) will Arctic Siberia 74°N-105°E get in 2023 ?
settled: +2°C or less→
When will European Carbon Emission Certificates cost more than 111 EUR / to CO2?
settled: later or never→
Will Russian Gold Reserves as of Dec 2023 fall below 2.200 tons coming from 2.299 tons Dec 2022?
Will the Number of People leaving the German Catholic Church in 2023 drop below 500.000 ?
Will Apple cost more than 199 US-$ (daily adjusted closing-price) at any day until end 2023 ?
How often will Gold Price stay below 1.888 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Mar_2023 to Aug_2023?
settled: in no month below 1.888 $→
Which Stock will have best 16 months performance between Nov-15-2022 and Mar-15-2024 ?
FSLR First Solar→
What Australian Summer Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2023/2024 (base: 1961-1990) ?
settled: > +1.5°C→
US Fire danger: Will Number of fires and / or Area burned get new annual 10year-highs in 2023?
only No of fires @ new high→
Corruption Perception Index 2023: Will United States improve their 2022 rank of 24 to 23 or higher?
NO: United States will stay with rank 25 or lower→
Which ETF will have the best 16 months performance between May-1-2023 and Aug-31-2024 ?
IT:PABEZ Lyxor Net Zero 2050 S&P World Climate→
What number of Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2024 have?
settled: 19 or less→
When will European Carbon Emission Certificates cost more than 120 EUR / to CO2?
settled: later or never→
How often will Gold Price stay below 1.950 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Sept_2023 to Feb_2024?
settled: in 2 of 6 months below 1.950 $→
What number of named Pacific Hurricanes + Storms + Depressions will storm-season 2024 have?
settled: 17 or less→
Will Bitcoin-Price climb again above USD 55 (closing coindesk) at any day until end 2024 ?
What's the number of Crypto-Currencies on with Market Cap > 0 by the end of 2024?
settled: 2.300 or more→
Will Wheaton Precious Metals share WPM close above US-$50 at any day until Dec-31-2024 ?
What's the number of journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) by 31.12.2024 ?
settled: 21.300 or even more→
What Global Land & Ocean Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2024 (base: 1901-2000) ?
settled: > +1.3°C→
How often will Gold Price stay below 2.200 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Mar_2024 to Aug_2024?
settled: in 1 of 6 months below 2.200 $→
Will Russian Gold Reserves as of Dec 2024 fall below 2.300 tons coming from 2.304 tons Dec 2023?
Will Bitcoin-Price climb above USD 99.999 (closing coindesk) at any day until end 2024 ?
What Average Air-Temperature anomaly (base 1991-2020) will Arctic Siberia 74°N-105°E get in 2024 ?
settled: between +1° and +2°C→
Corruption Perception Index 2024: Will U.S. improve their 2023 rank-position of 25 to 24 or higher?
NO: United States will stay with rank-position 25 or lower→
US Fire danger: Will Number of fires and / or Area burned get new annual 10year-highs in 2024?
settled: neither No of fires nor Area burned @ new high→
City Nature Challenge 2024: How may observations will the participants from Berlin report?
settled: 15.000 or more→
Who will be the richest man out of these 7 well-stuffed people in 2025 forbes list ?
settled: Elon Musk→
What Annual Increase (ppb) in Globally-Averaged Atmospheric CH4 (Methane) will we get for 2023?
settled: 2023 5 up to 10 ppb→
What will happen next to Energy Vault stock-price?
settled: closing-quote for NRGV is falling below 1.50 US-$→
After recent correction: What level will USD / Ruble quote (daily close) cross next?
will sink again below 100.0→
When will Margin Debt in customers securities margin accounts climb above alltime high 935 bill USD?
settled: Q1_2025→
What will happen next to NASDAQ 100 (^NDX) stock market Index?
settled: closing-quote for ^NDX is climbing above 21.000 ponts→
Will Wheaton Precious Metals share WPM close above US-$60 at any day until Dec-31-2024 ?
What will happen next to Energy Vault stock-price?
settled: closing-quote for NRGV is falling below 1.00 US-$→
Who will be the winner of the "Free Style" Chess 960 Grand Slam Tournier Nov 2024 in India ?
Magnus Carlsen→
What Global Mean Temperature Anomaly will we get in 2024 (base: 1901-2000) ?
settled: between +1.5° and +2°C→
What percentage of seats will the Left+Greens/EFA+S&D group get together in the next EU-parliament ?
settled: less than one third of seats→
Will the deforestation in the brazilian amazon in the year ending July 2024 sink below 2023 value?
How many views will "CLIMATE THE MOVIE :THE COLD TRUTH" have on youtube as of September 26 2024?
settled: less than 8.000 views after 6 month→
After steep decline: What will happen next to NRGV Energy Vault stock-price?
settled: closing-quote for NRGV is climbing above 1.25 US-$→
After recent recovery in downtrend mid July: What will happen next to NRGV Energy Vault stock-price?
settled: closing-quote for NRGV is falling below 0.90 US-$→
Will Wheaton Precious Metals share WPM close above US-$70 at any day until Mar-31-2025 ?
After recent alltime low of US-$ 0,785: What will happen next to NRGV Energy Vault stock-price?
settled: closing-quote for NRGV is climbing above 1.20 US-$→
How often will Gold Price stay above 2.500 US-$ / ounce (monthly average) in Sept_2024 to Feb_2025?
settled: in all 6 months above 2.500 $→
After recent recovery: What will happen next to NRGV Energy Vault stock-price?
settled: closing-quote for NRGV is climbing above 2 US-$→
Who will be the winner of the "Free Style" Chess 960 Grand Slam Turnier Feb 2025 in Weissenhaus ?
other or none (tournier cancelled or postponed by suspension date)→