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Super UserBuckeyeTom

Member since 02/04/2012

All time highest net worth: 777,167.13 KtN$ (reached: 01/02/2021)

Current net worth : 2,972.73 KtN$

Predictions : 3,503

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next week is Bethpage, the Black Course. Did I tell you I've played that course? Twice I think. At the time it was not famous. It had the shortest wait time though, and that's how come I played it. Never finished 18 though, too tough. Climbing up and down those hills is really difficult.
Ricky Fowler!
He's my pick for the next few years. Young, fearless, and cute. He was a motorcycle racer, so his mind set is, "pass this guy". I think he has a great future. Also, he's a small guy and they all have that attitude of "don't push me aside".
I'm not trying to lure you or Kenneth into a political argument. I am dead serious asking for a reason to vote for Obama in the coming election. I am not married to a political party. I am married to someone who can improve our Government, our Country, and our culture (which includes our way of living).
OK I'm picking Charley Hoffman to win Valero. What say you??
Was that a great ending to yesterdays game? I don't know if it's just me but, golf seems to be getting more exciting. Maybe in the past I was paying too much attention to Tiger Woods and missing the great golf going on.
Super Usergotmick
Well, I remember you. Nice to have you here BuckeyeTom. Glad you found us. Keep up the great markets!
thanks for these two questions, Nicholson, and Woods. Making the tournament even more interesting to me.
Sorry, I don't remember you from HubDub, but that's my problem. Welcome here!


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  • Last login 01/02/2021 17:12.
  • Positions bought 2000
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