User Profile

Alain Coëtmeur

Member since 04/05/2016

All time highest net worth: 2,353.15 KtN$ (reached: 04/25/2016)

Current net worth : 990.50 KtN$

Predictions : 7

   Alain Coëtmeur

Will Time Travel be possible before 2022?
No, at least backward.
Of course forwrd will be possible, and good space propulsion approaching lightspeed will maybe allow lifetime stellar travel.

   Alain Coëtmeur

Will the US achieve reductions in greenhouse gas emissions of 17 percent from 2005 levels by 2020?
yes, because of LENR revolution, but it will take anyway few decade to transition . 2020 will see just the beginning. so not so confident... it may be in 2022

   Alain Coëtmeur

When will the first Solar Roadway Panel be installed on a public roadway ?
Today too expensive and unreliable. 1 year is too short even for normal technology (more like 5y), and solar is basically not cost effective despite the claims of fan. Meanwhile, LENR which have been developped since more than 5 years will soon be visible, not by product (sorry for Rossi), but by big boys investments.

   Alain Coëtmeur

Will Crude Oil (WTI) Spot Price drop below $ 25 / bbl (intraday) at any day in 2016 ?
Because of LENR getting more visible. There are initiative in process, beside Rossi, and even beside Industrial Heat.

   Alain Coëtmeur

What's the result of UK's EU referendum on June 23 2016?
Hate is great, but fear is greater.

   Alain Coëtmeur

Will cold fusion energy become a reality before the end of 2020?
Beacuse I'm following the subject since 2016, and even 1993.
Scientific evidences are clear, and business evidences are growing. It will take time but only few years to fight denial and groupthink.

   Alain Coëtmeur

Will cold fusion energy become a reality before the end of 2020?
Fortune interview darden,
Woodford fund confirm they invested 50 Mn in industrial heat
many other data studied (like equity structure of IH).

Japan NEDO/Impact investment in research involving Toyota, Nissan, MHI, Tohoku university

Chinese-US technology park in Baishishan contain partnership on Nickel-Hydrogen LENr energy (E-cat)
Darden talk there

Science academy of india allow publication of an LENR special issue in it's journal, Current science
3rd LENR-Indi meeting

Norway engineering body TEKNA/NTVA host an LENR conference
many article in Aftenposten

Airbus Group chief scientist supports an LENR startup, LENR-Cities
propose challenge
organize in Airbus Toulouse ISCMNS workshop
and attends Avignon SFSNMC RNBE2016 conference in Avignon (I was there, like him)

Swedish Elforsk funded E-cat test and publish reports

and many more, I'm tired.