New Developments

Enhanced Market Creation The market creation wizard has been enhanced with the ability to fetch background information about a news topic by simply providing an url to an article on a news site. The wizard automatically reads the keywords from the given page, a summary and an image – if provided by the website. Market […]

Top Featured Markets June 2012: Promoted Markets

Will Justin Bieber beat Lady Gaga with followers on twitter as of Dec-31-2012? Win: 20 US$ Coupon! CPI2012 Corruption Perception Index 2012: Will United States improve 2011rank of 24 to 23 or higher? Predict and win an voucher! Disney Channel’s Good Luck Charlie: What will the name of the new baby? Predict and […]

Sponsors and promotions: Valueable ways to reach out to potential customers

Knew The News, the free online news prediction game, introduces a new way to promote products and companies on their site. In addition to common, content related advertisements provided by affiliate programs and add networks, advertisers act as site sponsors, providing incentives for players on the site. In contrast to advertisement forms used on the […]

June 2012 promoted market: 2012 Stanley Cup Final: Who will win?

Win: Amazon 12.50 US$ Gift Voucher! Correctly predict: 2012 Stanley Cup Final: Who will win? and take part in the raffle for the voucher. (Voucher may also be 10.- EUR or 8.- GBP) 2012 Stanley Cup Final: Who will win?

May 2012 promoted market: Eurovision Song Contest: Which country will win?

Win: Amazon 10 EUR Gift Voucher! Correctly predict: Eurovision Song Contest: Which country will win? and take part in the raffle for the voucher. (Voucher may also be 12.50 USD or 8 GBP) Eurovision Song Contest: Which country will win?

Top Featured Markets April 2012

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West: Is Their Relationship All For Show? What will be the US Public Debt Outstanding end April 2012? Will Hafiz Saeed be arrested? Will Syrian Dictator Bashar al Assad be Ousted on or before April 30? Who will sell most Smartphones in Q1 2012? What will be the official height of the […]

New Features On Knew The News

After a few months of reduced development on the site, some new features and improvements have been implemented during the last month: Subscribe to markets A digest notification message is send to users periodically containing information on developments in markets to which the user subscribed. Subscription to a market is independent from making predictions. Short […]

Upcoming Events on Knew The News

Right now, the GOP primaries are a hot topic in US politics. Follow the candidate nomination on Knew The News: Coming up: The 2012 Formula 1 season. Will Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) be able to win again? March Madness: NCAA Basketball will freak out! Long term: UEFA Soccer European Championship:

Knew The News relocated

During the last several months, I have been busy relocating. As you may see, this is a very time consuming matter. Nevertheless, most of you may not even have noticed that I’ve been around less once in a while – which is a good thing! As you know, Knew The News aims to be self-organizing, […]

January 2012 Member Survey

Time to introduce me to anyone who has joined the site recently. My name is Stijn (that’s dutch), I am the founder, owner and developer of the Knew The News site. You may know me already from the site: I am the user “kruijs” there. First of all, I would like to thank you for […]