User Profile

Super UserKnurled

Member since 10/17/2012

All time highest net worth: 1,358,591.75 KtN$ (reached: 11/01/2020)

Current net worth : 360,385.53 KtN$

Predictions : 2,187

Second most successfull member in communication 12/2019Second most successfull member in communication 10/2019Third successfull member in community 7/2016Most successfull member in communication 7/2016Most successfull member in communication 1/2014Second most successfull member in community 12/2013Most successfull member in communication 12/2013Second most successfull member in community 11/2013Most successfull member in communication 11/2013Most successfull member in communication 10/2013Third successfull member in community 8/2013Most successfull member in communication 8/2013Third successfull member in community 7/2013Most successfull member in communication 7/2013Second most successfull member in communication 6/2013Second most successfull member in communication 5/2013Third successfull member in communication 4/2013Second most successfull member in community 3/2013Most successfull member in communication 3/2013Third successfull member in communication 12/2012Third successfull member in marketcreation 11/2012Third successfull member in community 10/2012Second most successfull member in marketcreation 10/2012

How much will the total US national debt be on October 31, 2012?

settled: Above $16.25 and up to $16.3 trillion

Will Susan Rice succeed Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State?

settled: Not nominated or other outcome by February 1, 2013Not nominated or other outcome by February 1, 2013

Will Mario Balotelli join AC Milan in January 2013?

settled: Balotelli joins AC Milan in January 2013Balotelli joins AC Milan in January 2013

Will Facebook buy Waze in 2013?

settled: No, or other resultNo, or other result

Will OfficeMax and Office Depot merge before the end of March 2013?

settled: Yes - Merger announced before end of MarchYes - Merger announced before end of March

Will Greece leave the Euro currency by the end of 2015?

settled: No - Greece keeps the EuroNo - Greece keeps the Euro

Will the majority vote for Catalonia's independence?

settled: Yes, 50% or more will vote for independenceYes, 50% or more will vote for independence

Will the US Congress override the threatened veto of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)?

settled: Veto Stands - President vetoes, and Congress fails to overrideVeto Stands - President vetoes, and Congress fails to override

Sen. Jodi Ernst for Trump VP?

settled: No - Not selected for VPNo - Not selected for VP

Will US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy leave the Supreme Court by the end of 2017?

settled: No, he will stay on the US Supreme Court through the end of 2017No, he will stay on the US Supreme Court through the end of 2017