User Profile

Member since 02/02/2011
All time highest net worth: 1,758,740.04 KtN$ (reached: 08/26/2013)
Current net worth : 9,445.98 KtN$
Predictions : 11,994

HSX:Will "Prom" earn at least 21m in the dom box office during first 4 weeks?
Leading Prediction:
HSX:Will "Prom" earn at least 21m in the dom box office during first 4 weeks?
Leading Prediction:
HSX:Will "Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil" earn at least 16m in the dom box office during first 4 weeks?
Leading Prediction:
How many "colored" players will be in the Leaderboard at the End of August 2011?
Leading Prediction: 21 and less→
How many "gray" players will be in the Leaderboard at end of August 2011?
Leading Prediction: 10 or less→
Will President Barack Obama beat them all on twitter?
Leading Prediction: The Presisent beats the Bieber and the Lady→